Thursday, June 2, 2011

What’s up with Malloy’s silence over possible UBS departure? - Political Capitol - Connecticut News

Malloy Doesn't attrack business for Connecticut rather they are moving out of state.


Anonymous said...

It is too bad Comrade Dan didn't offer an award for the first 200 businesses to leave the state. Then he would have a line of applicants wrapping all the way down Capitol Avenue.

I don't believe there has been one applicant for Danny Boy's award for bringing new jobs to Connecticut, as most companies are beginning to flee his socialist regime.

Anonymous said...

WOW, they're fleeing CT faster than anyone can keep track.

Would the last one out of CT please turn off the lights?

Anonymous said...

Malloy's threatening of massive layoffs are as idle a threat as Superior Court judges threatening defendants after the 50th arrest, that if they do it again, next time the judge will throw the book at the defendant. Problem is, the same judge gave this same stern warning to the same defendant the last 49 times that he slapped the guy on the wrist.

Danny Boy is owned lock, stock & barrel by the unions and can do nothing with out their express permission for he owes his very election to the unions. Threatening 10,000 layoffs by the same guy who stands on the steps of the capitol with his arms around labor leaders while he announces that he stands with labor is even a bigger joke than anyone actually believing the judge is going to put someone in jail on the 51st offense.

Anyone who takes this threat serious is a bigger clown than Danno himself.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that Governor Malloy says there is no plan to put state employees on Sustinet when the final report for Sustinet actually says that. Anyone interested can google Sustinet and see the final report for themselves.

Lets see what 4700 layoff's will do to the Connecticut economy and the Democratic caucus after the Governor follows through with his layoffs...good luck in the upcoming elections.

Anonymous said...

Show this egotistical, narcissistic clown exactly what you think of his idle threats to the unions that bought and paid for his position.

Tell puppet Danno where he can shove his deal by voting a big fat NO. Remember, as you union members, he's supposed to be your puppet and must dance the dance the union leaders tell him to!

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