Tuesday, June 14, 2011

YIPP Poll: Unhappy with Malloy | Yankee Institute for Public Policy


Anonymous said...

Danny Boy is finding out that socialism is not very popular.

Anonymous said...

Comrade Dan sure has a temper, one he loses like a little baby whenever he doesn't get his way. For example he blew his top because the legislature intervened in his attempt to close highway rest areas to save the cost of the toilet paper.

Next year I expect a bill requiring all who use a rest area to bring their own roll of TP.

Anonymous said...

Malloy is almost as unpopular as Obummer.

That must be hard to accomplish in only a few months!

Anonymous said...

Today's Quinnipiac poll showed Malloy'S approval rating at 38% and also found that Connecticut voters are more favorable of Governor Cuomo of NY and Governor Christie of NJ, than they are of our own socialist leader, Comrade Dan.

Anonymous said...

The signs at the state line should be changed to read:

Now entering the Communist State of Connecticut:

Dictator: Danny Boy Malloy

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