Chris Powell does it again; a wonderful incisive piece that puts issues in the correct perspective. This man should be governor!
Here's what Powell said about Malloy; "The competence he demonstrated in his long tenure as mayor of Stamford was his great qualification in last year’s election, but having made himself hostage to the unions, he now stands before the state as dissembling and inept." Mr. Powell has hit the nail on the head.
That's what happens Danno, when you take their money, they own you!
You better dance when the unions order you to!
Chris Powell does it again; a wonderful incisive piece that puts issues in the correct perspective. This man should be governor!
Here's what Powell said about Malloy; "The competence he demonstrated in his long tenure as mayor of Stamford was his great qualification in last year’s election, but having made himself hostage to the unions, he now stands before the state as dissembling and inept." Mr. Powell has hit the nail on the head.
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