Saturday, July 23, 2011

Malloy, Unions Approve New Deal -



Anonymous said...

Malloy said there would be no re-vote, yet here you all are.

Remind anyone of Lowell "No Income Tax" Weicker? Because it should, you are all being lied to.

These people have turned the democratic party into the enemies of the workig class, I suggest you treat them and every lie they tell accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Nice to know my concession dollars go to A busway to no where, a First 5 TICKET SCALPER, a hospital we dont need, and don't forget the "UN-EARNED" TAX CREDIT TAX REFUND FOR PEOPLE WHO DON'T PAY ANY TAXES.

VOTE NO, I will be!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like nothing has changed other than the union leaders conspired with Dictator Dan to make it easier to jam this agreement down our throats by making it only require 50% instead of 80% to pass, and amazingly, the rule change only applies to this one vote, all other votes continue to require 80% approval in the future.

This conspiracy is no different than if we all got together and said we don't like the socialist that was elected governor with less than 50% of the total vote, so let's change the rules retroactive to the last election to say that no one can be elected governor unless he gets 50% of the vote and then we required a new vote for our current governor under our new rules so that we could have Governor Foley instead of the socialist.

Think that would fly?

Anonymous said...

Changing the threshold for this deal to pass by changing the rules only for this vote and reverting back to the original rules for all future votes is like the Democrats saying that they know Obama can't get re-elected so we are going to change the election laws only for the next election to not use the electoral college and only require a majority of the popular vote, but for the following election the rules go back to the way they originally were.

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