Saturday, July 9, 2011

State Plans To Close Enfield Prison Later This Year; Fourth Prison Closing In Less Than Two Years -


Anonymous said...

With his history of trying to jam Sustinet down the throats of the state employees, I think after Malloy is voted out of office, he would probably like nothing more than to be the head of Obama's health care rationing board for Connecticut.

Danny Boy seems to thrive on power so much, that he would probably feel chills up and down his spine for each and every medical treatment he can withhold. I can see visions of Danny Boy with a big red rubber stamp that says DENIED as he frantically stamps it on each and every 18 month old request for medical treatment without even reading them.

If you are very, very nice to him, he might just let you have a few pain pills as you wait to die as a result of your denied medical treatments.

Anonymous said...

As Dictator Dan said, these are all productive members of society. He plans to let them all out!

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