Sunday, July 24, 2011

TAX SURPRISE: Connecticut to grab more income (and it's coming from you) - The Middletown Press (

Thank you Gov. Malloy!


Anonymous said...

They just need to pay their fair share so that half the population can live free off the other half--never working a day in their lives or paying a dime in taxes--ever.

When Dictator Dan gets through, you may need a second job just to pay your taxes.

Anonymous said...

The Yankee Institute and the Democrat/Unions has nothing to do with Trinity College floor space, and everything to do with left-wing politics and back room pressures being applied by connected state pol's in the Malloy administration and union officials who can't stand anyone who won't toe the Democrat/Union party line.

Like Yale, Harvard and Wesleyan, Trinity is yet another example of an effete east coast university that professes to champion 'diversity' and intellectual debate - except when 'diversity' means holding views and opinions that don't fit the mold of liberal politics.

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