Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Malloy endorses O'Brien for mayor - The New Britain Herald (newbritainherald.com)




Anonymous said...

Does this mean That the Governor has replaced The Working Families Party and Betha Lewis?

Anonymous said...

I hope the governor's visit helps Paul Cantanzaro in the primary. Personally, who would want to be associated with Malloy or O'Brien?
The two of them just emptied the change from our pockets while continuing to vote to line theirs.

Can you imagine your property taxes if Tim O'Brien were to get elected?

Anonymous said...

The headline should have read, Malloy endorses,

Lou Salvio said...


First of all, why was Malloy in New Britain? Who invited him? Was he cutting a ribbon for something?
None of those; he was here at the behest of O'Brien. Also Malloy was brought here in a state owned vehicle, operated, probably, by a state employed driver to do what official chore? Yes, taxpayers, Malloy was here spending your tax dollars to endorse the candidacy of one of the worst representatives of New Britain in history, a blatant, partisan act in a politically diverse city. Malloy should be fined and sued by the citizens of this state.

And what does he say about O'Brien? I quote from the Herald: "Malloy, who said O’Brien might be the only mayoral candidate in the state he endorses prior to the primary, added that the four-term state representative has been a proponent of bringing jobs to the city." Really?

Why does our Governor endorse a man for Mayor of NB who says he is adamantly against bringing over 200 jobs and $475 K dollars in tax money to New Britain? Of course these two "buddies" are also supported by the Working Families Party/ACORN. What a laugh! Where did O'Brien ever work? Yes, people of NB, this is, "YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK." Can't wait to see the list of in-kind contributions for O'Brien's campaign.
Finally, how did the Herald know Malloy was coming? Oh, right, I forgot, the Herald knows everything O'Brien is doing. Lately, it appears that the paper is part of O'Brien's campaign committee.

Anonymous said...

The endorsement of O'Brien by Malloy would seem to seal the case against O'Brien.

Malloy is doing tothe state what he did for Stamford.

Anonymous said...

Rep. Tim O'Brien is hammering away at a theme that Mayor Stewart made city government partisan and needlessly confrontational during the past eight years. Through Stewart's tenure, one of his closest political allies has been Mark Bernacki.

Mayor Stewart in the last campaign dismissed O'Brien as part of a Democratic state delegation that brings back too little aid to this impoverished city of New Britain.

Last week of July 27th, the Working Families Party endorsed O'Brien for Mayor of New Britain!

Gov. Malloy also endorses O'Brien for Mayor and stated that the four-term State Representative O'Brien has been a proponent of bringing jobs to the City of New Britain. What JOBS! Where? How?

Anonymous said...

Rep. Tim O'Brien is hammering away at a theme that Mayor Stewart made city government partisan and needlessly confrontational during the past eight years. Through Stewart's tenure, one of his closest political allies has been Mark Bernacki.

Mayor Stewart in the last campaign dismissed O'Brien as part of a Democratic state delegation that brings back too little aid to this impoverished city of New Britain.

Last week of July 27th, the Working Families Party endorsed O'Brien for Mayor of New Britain!

Gov. Malloy also endorses O'Brien for Mayor and stated that the four-term State Representative O'Brien has been a proponent of bringing jobs to the City of New Britain. What JOBS! Where? How?

Anonymous said...

Why not, the current governor is more of a radical extremist than Bertha Lewis.

Anonymous said...

Some news, Dictator Dan, Connecticut's communist leader, endorses a fellow commie!

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the message of the Democrats from state and national level that- the rich get richer and the poor get poorer,,,No one wants to end Medicare' or Social Security, so please stop with those tired old scare tatics Mr. O'Brien.

The fact is that both programs are not sustainable as they currently stand. Ask any actuary...both need to be restructured in some manner.

In addition, the national debt is now over $12.2 trillion and growing. How is the nation going to ever pay that back? Current projections for the interest payment on the debt are nearly $1 trillion by tear 2020.

This is something the nation can not afford.

Anonymous said...


Parks Dept "Pooper Scooper Paul" gets it right up the old pooper from his own party!

Anonymous said...

What has O'Brien done to bring businesses to New Britain? Look what happened when he and his cohorts assembled in front of WalMart on Farmington Avenue--a few weeks later, Walmart 'coincidentally' closed down. Not for lack of customers...they always had many of them.
Now there is Costco wanting to locate in New Britain.
What has O'Brien done to resolve the issue of expanding the present golf course by cutting into Stanley Park property, or adding onto current golf course property?
Retail business is important to all municipalities..don't ignore them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Parks Dept "Pooper Scooper Paul" gets it right up the old pooper from his own party!................

I thought Canatazaro was a trash picker. Did he get a promotion?

Anonymous said...

Doesnot O'Brien forget that he will be running against BERNACKI and NOT Stewart. Is he that far in the rears with his memory ?

Every time I have seen him his shoes are not tied and his tie is tied backwards. I think the man needs some serious help in how to dress and groom himself. What a sad presentatin he makes for a candidate for MAYOR.

I guess he takes advise from the Dempvrat Twn Chairman.

Anonymous said...

Now that the Governor has involved himself in New Britain's Mayoral election we must be vigilant lest it be stolen as was the Gubernatorial election.

Anonymous said...

Can you just imagine when the mayor elect goes to the "conference of mayors" held annually.

If ot happens to be O'Broen (GOD help us) will he carry Olivia in his arms to the meetine ? Will he have his shoes tied ? Will his tie be tied correctly ? Will he wear suit that has pants and jacket that match Will he have a fresh haircut ?

JUST IMAGINE what the image of New Britain will be !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh look - it's the same group of a dozen or so mindless right wing thugs led by Lou Salvio who have nothing better to do with their time than to leave online comments that no one reads.

Anonymous said...

Can you just imagine when the mayor elect goes to the "conference of mayors" held annually.

If ot happens to be O'Broen (GOD help us) will he carry Olivia in his arms to the meetine ? Will he have his shoes tied ? Will his tie be tied correctly ? Will he wear suit that has pants and jacket that match Will he have a fresh haircut ?

JUST IMAGINE what the image of New Britain will be !!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

To the idiot who made the radical right wing comment, he obviously got your attention as there are liberal loons like yourself that cannot help themselves and read this blog amongst the many others out there on the internet! Keep at it Lou you abviously are getting to some of these mindless idiots!

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