Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Former Herald reporter[ Guinness] looks to eliminate waste in government


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Guaranteed, this is another Sherwood trick supported by DeFronzo and Hermanowski.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't vote for this guy if he were the only one running. His disruptions at City Hall hatched by a former alderman sanctioned by the then, Herald Editor, his personal conduct and appearance offer little in the way of confidence to voters. The man is nothing but a trouble maker egged on by unscrupulous individuals.

rick guinness said...

If the weight of the Democratic Party and Phil Sherwood and all these liberals you allude to were really supporting me, I would probably take the primary with ease.
The truth is that the last time I saw phil Sherwood -- in fact the only time I saw him in the past year -- was when I was going door-to-door in the 4th Ward. I chatted with him for all of about three minutes and my candidacy was news to him.
So what other "lib dem" do you think you can connect me up with?
I have to hand it to you, this smear tactic is brilliantly orchestrated.
First you anonymous cowards call me a heroin addict and a criminal and a liberal. And my response is "I am not a liberal."
That's funny.
Just so everyone knows, I am the one who released a lot of the dirt that is now being used against me, because I couldn't brook people calling me a criminal when all I had was a dubious DUI, a breach of peace (FOR STANDING UP TO AN ARMED ATTACKER) and then a bicycle ticket that I am fighting in court.
Wow, I am really public enemy number one.
What are you going to do if I win the primary? Vote for the Democrats?
It just goes to show that this town is controlled by an cult of personality in a bizarre, informal power structure that centers around a few very-well connected individuals around city hall.
That is what I am trying to change.
I want an open and honest government that doesn't cost more than $200,000,000 to operate.
I think most residents want the same thing that I do. The trick is being able to get it without raising taxes.
I take Mark Bernacki at his word that he will not raise taxes and that no one is pulling his strings -- especially not the nasty little Nazi who was once my business partner and who brags about comitting war crimes against black people.
He was seen in the Catanzaro camp as recently as three weeks ago, which tends to indicate that Paul, while he may be a nice guy, is incapable of scraping the scum of off him caused by the fascist groupies in the GOP.
Last but not least, if anyone wants to know about dirt from my background, they should come to me, because I will be more than happy to tell the whole truth about my colorful past.
I am not proud of the mistakes I made. But I am proud of the fact that I learned from my mistakes, that I am surviving in this economy with next to nothing, and that I have found a lot of ways to save money -- both for me and for the city.
That is the reason why people should vote for me.
I haven't heard any criticism at all regarding my policies. All I see on the internet in the way of criticism is ad hominum (attacks against me personally rather than against my argument).
Call me a trouble maker.
The founding fathers were trouble makers. This country was great when it was run by such trouble makers.
Wouldn't be funny if they had the internet back then so that anonymous bloggers could cluck about whether one of them got in trouble for spitting on the sidewalk back in 1773.

Rick Guinness

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