Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Out-of-state bid award for Busway job riles legislator - The New Britain Herald (newbritainherald.com)


Anonymous said...

In-state contractors, out-of state contractors what does it really matter. The fact is this project is not cost effective. We are spending more money than we are taking in at every level but find the money for a busway. Sure, it will create jobs while it is being constructed and some will sell properties through emminent domain. Big money contractors will gain big contracts and there will be fuzzy deals for those in the inner circle. But, where do we find the money? There is no money. We need to buckle down, stop spending, stop borrowing, focus on what needs must be taken care of like education, public safety and most of all, HOLDING THE LINE ON TAXES at every level. The busway fails the taxpayer no matter which way you slice it.

Anonymous said...

You have a governor who is forcing 250,000 state employees and retirees to stop using local pharmacies and have all their prescriptions mail ordered from Richardson Texas as a cost savings to the state, so what makes you think they would use any local companies to build the busway from nowhere to absolutely nowhere?

When our buffoon of a governor said the busway was going to create jobs, he never once said that any of those jobs would be in Connecticut, did he?

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is this boondoggle will take you from nowhere to absolutely nowhere. If it ran to one of the business friendly states to help people relocate as they flee the ever expanding socialism in this radical state, then there would be long lines waiting for a seat.

Jim Sanders Jr said...

Is this the same donkey that along with all the other donkey's who just participated in making this the worst state in the nation to own a business in? How is it even possible for a out of state contractor to do this job cheaper? Because of the Donkey's with a capitol "D" after there name. Start with Tim Obrian and just give him a call and ask him WHY!!!!!

Just remember, this is only the beginning.

Anonymous said...

“There” is an adverb. It means “in or at that place” as opposed to “here”. Example: The ball is over THERE, not here.
“Their” is a pronoun. It means “a form of the possessive case of “they” used as an attributive adjective, before a noun.” Example: Because of the Donkey’s with a capitol “D” after THEIR name.

Anonymous said...

Of course and out of state contractor can do it cheaper because they are free from all the socialist nonsense that is destroying Connecticut businesses.

Jim Sanders Jr. said...

Thanks for the grammer lesson, heres one for ya, "Moron definition, a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment"

You must be one of them.

Anonymous said...

First, I assure you your name calling tactics will not work on me. But since you brought the word up, would not someone who consistently and constantly spells a third grade word like “their” wrong time and time again, be the “notably stupid” one? Check your past posts; every time you used the word, it was spelt incorrect. I just wanted to make you aware of your error in hopes you would stop embarrassing yourself.
Second, “grammer” is spelt “grammar”. My “lesson” was a spelling lesson, not a grammar lesson. Grammar has to do with how sentences are put together. From the many examples of your past posts on this blog, if you used such grammar in third grade, I would not be surprised if you got a big fat “F”.
Lastly, I only have one question to ask you. What grade are you in?

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