Friday, August 5, 2011

Smart spending’s the goal for school board candidate - The New Britain Herald (


Anonymous said...

Thus young man has a lot to learn!!!!

First of all he DID NOT push kine item budget - -it is required by the city charter.

Secondly he says that in his present school didtrice he wprked to revise polcieies = = in every school district the Board of Education writes policy.

Thirdly he should itemize where he would stop the spending. There are some things you can change and some you cant. Its easy to be a Monday morning quarterback

Every knows that Mercier pushed his own agenda and did whatever the Mayor wanted hom to do.

He strikes me as a young that thinks he knows everything. GOD help us if he gets elected.

Anonymous said...

If you are knocking Nicholas Mercier, I can't wait until you hear what the mayor's daughter can possibly say as to why she deserves to be a candidate on the BOE! She is early twenties. never had a real job and I am too polite to say more....

Anonymous said...

The line item is not required by the city charter. it is mandated by the state. Only the BOE can make those changes.

Anonymous said...

You say Ms. Stewart never had a real job. Would you please answer this question - - WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER A REAL JOB ?????

Is it shoveling dirt? Is it bangong nails?Is it taking care of children? What is a real JOB??????

Anonymous said...

"Real" job? Neither did Tim O'Brien but what is he running for?

Anonymous said...

Mr who(thinks) he has the answer I would strongly suggest the this person read the charter of the city of New Britain. If you can read ?

Nicholas D. Mercier said...

To Anonymous1,

If you'd like to talk to me directly my contact is readily available and I'd gladly discuss any issues you want tor bring up. As points of clarification:

Yes, the charter requires a line item budget. But in 2009 (and many years prior) the Board of Education has not provided a line item budget. You can talk to any member of the council about this sticking point. Last year I wrote several letters to the editor about this oversight and as Chairman of the Board of Finance and Taxation I wrote to the Superintendent's office early in this years budget process requesting a line item budget for the most recent fiscal year.

Secondly, in the article it states I have worked with school administrators on developing curriculum and setting school policy. While the BOE definitely drafts much of the district policy schools also have policies and procedures that are set at the school level. In Naugatuck I have helped out with curriculum revision within my department and I have also worked with my building principals on concerns dealing with the day to day running of a building or implementing new programs within the school.

Third, I cite two specific examples, paying for central office parking passes, this is a perk very few municipal employees receive, another is the policy of paying for invitation only exclusive professional organizations. As far as additional spending cuts I call for a systematic review of many of our districts programs in terms of cost and effectiveness. It is easy to Monday morning quarterback, but you also can't accuse a Monday morning quarter back of not being allowed to call last Sunday's game. I'm hoping to win election that I can start dealing with this issues first hand rather than being put in a position where all I can do is play Monday morning quarterback.

Finally, anyone who says I did "whatever the Mayor wanted" is woefully misinformed. They Mayor's office always took a very hands off approach and did not interfere with the BoF&T, and some of the decisions made by the Board of Finance and Taxation put us at odds with the Mayor. I think the Board always acted in what we felt was the best interests of the city and took our task very seriously. It is insulting to hear you insinuate otherwise.

As far as being a know it all? I wish I did know it all, that would make life much easier. I know that I don't have all the answers, but I also know that if I am elected I will bring to the post a fresh perspective as well as a great deal of energy and optimism for the future of our school district and our city.

Anonymous said...

Evidently you would like to discuss things prively so you can
any misinformation that run our of your misinformed mouth.

There was a letter pf understanding,I was told, between the Mayors office and Dr. Kurtz. I was told that the accounting system that was in place, at the time, would make it very diifficult. I cannot confirm that YOU made any request at all. This years budget process started in SEPTEMBER of 2010 the arrangement
for a line item budget had already started, Please get your FACTS straight.

You should sit down with current members of the BOE you could learn ALOT instead of looking foolish. Or better yet attend a BOE meeting. I am sure someone will be glad to give you directions.
I don't think you have ever been to a BOE meeting I've been told.

Anonymous said...

I have never met Nicholas Mercier. I have read all of his comments and newspaper articles. I am impressed. Whomever Anonymous is does not want him on the BOE. my guess is that it is a current member who does not want the competition from Mr.Mercier. Apparently,they are Ok with putting an air head on the BOE. No competition there!!

Lou Salvio said...


THE BOE GOT AWAY WITH PRODUCING A PHANTOM BUDGET FOR YEARS. It was the insistence of many of NB's citizens that finally shamed the BOE into producing one. Even now, the BOE budget leaves a great deal to be desired.
As for the commenter who says Nick Mercier never met with or attended a BOE meeting; you sir should have attended the meetings between the BOE and the B oF&T, chaired by Mr. Medrcier. Discussions at the meetings showed just how inadequate the BOE "line item budget" was. The BoF&T was well prepared; I cannot say that the opposite was true.

Why is it important who was responsible for getting a line item budget from the BOE? The commenters looking for facts; the BOE resisted producing such a budget for years, IT FINALLY HAPPENED UNDER THE STEWART ADMINISTRATION'S INSISTENCE!


As for what it says in the Charter about budgets, you all need to reread the section. The term "line item" is not mentioned. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

I am a New Britain High School student and had the pleasure of meeting Nick Mercier the other day at the *REPUBLICAN* Fundraiser at Vito's. I found Mr. Mercier to be very engaging and genuinely concerned for the students here in New Britain.

Anonymous1 is obviously out of touch and should stay off these forums. Its clear by your typo's and careless mistakes that you are recklessly posting and making a fool of yourself. Someone who can't even look back on what they just wrote and see that they spelled worked "wprked" has no place on these forums.

I'm personally glad Nick is running for Board of Education and I wish him the best of luck!

- Chris, New Britain High Student (11th Grade)
[Proud to be a Republican]

Nicholas D. Mercier said...

Again, you have been misinformed. While I have not attended every Board of Education meeting I have attended their budget hearings when possible. Meetings I am unable to attend I review the minutes when they become available. Secondly, my letters regarding a line item budget were written back in Spring of 2010, before any agreement that you have mentioned was reached. Again, I did not say that I was responsible for the decision to shift to a line item budget - I said that I pushed for the change and repeatedly made the case for it. One could wonder why the Board of Education hadn't done so years before.

And despite your allegations that I wish to "discuss things prively so you can
any misinformation that run our of your misinformed mouth. [sic]" The reason I would like to talk to you face to face is because I feel if you have something negative to say about someone you should have the courage and civility to say it to them directly. If you wish to continue to make anonymous pot shots that is fine, but if you actually wanted to discuss the issues there would be no reason not to sign your name or at least contact me directly.

Anonymous said...

To Mr. Salvio - - You certainly must like Mercier, If he is anything like YOU I really feel sorry for the BOE.

You continosly take one small portion of what is said and "bene' and "twest" it until it looks bad. It is no wonder that you were a teachern West Hartford.

It is no wonder you praise Mercier - - Stewart probably yold you to do that.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Mercier it seems that every time you are caught strtching the facts or truth you make a lame effort to twist things and squerm out of things.

It is no wonder Mr. Salvio likes you, You both come from the same "cloak"of decepteion. You both give the republican party much shame.

Lou Salvio said...

" Anonymous said...
To Mr. Salvio - - You certainly must like Mercier, If he is anything like YOU I really feel sorry for the BOE.

You continosly take one small portion of what is said and "bene' and "twest" it until it looks bad. It is no wonder that you were a teachern West Hartford.

It is no wonder you praise Mercier - - Stewart probably yold you to do that.

August 6, 2011 7:24 AM

" Anonymous said...
Mr. Mercier it seems that every time you are caught strtching the facts or truth you make a lame effort to twist things and squerm out of things.

It is no wonder Mr. Salvio likes you, You both come from the same "cloak"of decepteion. You both give the republican party much shame.

August 6, 2011 12:02 PM"


The two commenters above are your typical ignoramuses; hide behind aliases, call names, make stupid insinuations and spread your comments by a few hours to make them appear as
coming from two different people - what two people do you know that misspell the same words on the same day, a few hours apart?

And, how do you know what Mayor Stewart "yold" me to do? Did he "yell you too?" Go back to 1st. grade. By the way, what does West Hartford have to do with anything? And, "yell" me, what is your real name?"

Anonymous said...

Typical Stewart crony. If you don't like whats be said or mistyped you start labeling people with CHILDISH name calling. The words were NOT mis-spelled they were mis TYPED. Look at your keyboard -- JERK!!!!

You should be looking at what your candidate and what he is saying..He and you have a lot of growing up to do.

Lou Salvio said...

Sir, you don't get it. Nobody will ever take you seriously if you don't respect yourself and hide behind anonymity. You want to call me a jerk, OK. A Stewart crony, OK. Who are you? Are you real or just a tool for somebody to use to make fun of someone else? Oh, here's another of your incompetent blunders; " ... If you don't like whats be said or mistyped you ..." You want me to grow up? OK, you first.

Anonymous said...

LMAO, then learn how to type. Spelled wrong, typed wrong, just plain wrong.

Anonymous said...

Vouchers are the answer!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Salvio. I am someone that has not been around as long as you. I hope that I will never let myself be lowered to call people childish names. I respect most teachers and credit them with a reasonable intelligence. But you my dear sir are slipping.

There must be a reason for you supporting Mercier. Maybe because you both think you know everything and that everyone else is stupid.

Were you not a Democrat at one time ?

Lou Salvio said...

Mr. Anonymous said, today; " Anonymous said...
Mr. Salvio. I am someone that has not been around as long as you. I hope that I will never let myself be lowered to call people childish names. I respect most teachers and credit them with a reasonable intelligence. But you my dear sir are slipping.

There must be a reason for you supporting Mercier. Maybe because you both think you know everything and that everyone else is stupid.

Were you not a Democrat at one time ?

August 8, 2011 6:46 AM"

To Mr. ????????????? who referred to me as "my dear sir":

With regard to your last sentence/question; Yes, I was, and now, stop calling me "childish names."

Anonymous said...

Mr Salvio You should have stayed a democrat. You fit in with thwie mentalitYou have managed to take the thought away from your buddy Mercier.

Now that he has a defender he doesn't have to prove that he is just a manipulated yong man with a pie in the sky attitude.

Nicholas D. Mercier said...

Actually, I decided that since you obviously just want to insult me rather than discuss issues it wasn't worth my time replying. I addressed your original three criticisms as well as providing you a way for you to contact me. You responded by insulting my character and questioning my motives.

Your unwillingness to treat others civilly on this forum makes your repeated ad hominem attacks make your intentions clear; you simply wish to lob insults from behind a mask of anonymity. No answer I could provide to your questions would be good enough and you would just look to twist my words and split hairs to find faults. I have said my piece, I have addressed your criticisms, and I am through discussing the matter with you. If you wish to reach me you can do so via at or via phone at (860) 248-6425, though I will say, I would be surprised if you showed the courage to contact me directly.

Nicholas D. Mercier said...


"... treat others civilly on this forum and your repeated ad hominem attacks..."

Anonymous said...

As I have stated before whatever is said between us, either directly or indirectly, could be denied by you. You are trying to play a game thatcan not be won by you because you just think you know it all.

Your not teaching kindergarten children to sing little songs or play the recorder. You have started a game that you just cant win. Its the big boys now, not "ring around the rosey".

Nicholas D. Mercier said...

Really? Would you like to meet in person and record the conversation on audiotape? Then we both would be unable to deny what we had said as there would be a face to face record. I'm willing to meet, are you?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous who is attacking Nicolas Mercier sounds like a real creep!

I hope that he is not one of the three candidates who might be afraid that he will lose!

Anonymous said...

Mr M.,an audio-tape with a notarized transcript would still be rejected by this commenter. There comes a point when you can no longer reason with a person and you passed that point 3 comments ago. Save your energy and your arguments for the B.O.E., and GOOD LUCK!

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