Thursday, September 1, 2011

Attorney Paul Zagorsky is a member of the NB City Plan Commission.


Mr. Zagorsky is apparently opposed to the COSTCO proposal. Zagorsky maintains that his lawyerly interpretation of the Stanley Deed regarding Stanley’s gift to the City of land on which the Stanley Golf Course is located is being violated by the City if the COSTCO proposal is approved. Of course, Mr. Zagorsky feels that his interpretation is the only correct version.

Zagorsky has been to at least three Council meetings that I have attended spewing the same stuff about the “DEED” each time. Apparently he feels that City Attorneys are all wrong.

In today’s Herald (8/1/11) Zagorsky decides it’s time to try something else, to wit, take pot shots at Alderman Salvio. Anyone that reads the Herald knows that Salvio is a frequent contributor to the “Readers Forum.” It is also apparent that Zagorsky has a lot of time on his hands since he decided to dissect Salvio’s letters and put his own spin on Salvio’s verbiage. Zagorsky objects to Salvio’s language in describing some of the comments made by opponents to the COSTCO proposal at Council meetings. Council members have the same rights and freedoms that all others enjoy.

Comment to Mr. Zagorsky about the Stanley “gift.” The Deed has been violated numerous times: the land on which Leona Lane sits – a couple of opponents live there – and the land that houses the Fairway Apartments on Hartford Rd. along with other pieces – Target sits on part of it – were part of the original tract deeded by Stanley. You may not like Salvio’s words but they are correct.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a lawyer, Mr. Zagorsky should be aware that there are really only 9 men and women who's opinion really matters in this nation.

For the rest of us, opinions are just like something else everyone has.

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