Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ct. Commissioner of the DAS, Donald DeFronzo, screws up with Denise Nappier's State Vehicle Registration.


tford Police didn't accept her six digit private un-noticeable plate so she offered to show the state Official plate number 4 in the Truck to the police.

They took the keys of the car and told her get transportation back to her residence because the area is unsafe.

The question is not if the police acted properly during the fray but this matter points out to the lack of the State Commissioner's control over his department with his not seeing to it that all proper registrations are afforded to all the state vehicles.

Sadly, this caused our state treasurer having to walk three miles in order to get home from her friend's house where the police encounter occurred.


Anonymous said...

He is apparently as incompetent as a state commissioner as he was as mayor!

Anonymous said...

Was she parking in a handicap zone again? Why didn't she catch a Ct transit bus home? That's what Lib Dems like her tell the rest of us to do.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't her "FRIEND" give her a lift home?

Anonymous said...

Nappier called the incident racist, so did she mean that DeFronzo was being a racist when he gave a black woman an unregistered black car to drive?

Anonymous said...

More telling is that the big shot treasurer for all these years apparently doesn't know that state owned vehicles are exempt from carrying an insurance card.

Shouldn't the Treasurer know about our state's insurance arrangements, especially after all these years?

Anonymous said...

No, she doesn't know anything because usually she has her chauffer driving her around to the tune of a 92K salary. Could it be that he was let go? Let's hope so.
I think she deserved the walk.

Anonymous said...

Racist, oh cry me a river... can we cut the racism crap already.

Anonymous said...

Come to find out Ms. Nappier failed to produce any valid paperwork for the plates she was displaying on the vehicle and a computer check revealed no record on file. What would happen to you or me in such a circumstance?

I guess just like parking in the handicapped space, Ms. Nappier feels she is once again above the law!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like screwing this mess up was more of a joint effort between the conscientious objector at DAS and the fat pig at DMV.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

It sounds like screwing this mess up was more of a joint effort between the conscientious objector at DAS and the fat pig at DMV.


Anonymous said...

She is uglier than a bag of ***holes.

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