Thursday, September 22, 2011

Could It Be Happening?  Are the Negative Signs Building to a Crescendo?

Obama may pull out of the presidential race.


Anonymous said...

When all is said and done, let it be known that the collapse of the United States economy, the dollar, and U.S sovereignty, was the result of a betrayal of the public trust by those elected to protect and defend the Constitution and its principles of individual liberty, and government of, by and for The People...Amen!

Anonymous said...

Over this past weekend, for the first time ever, we agreed with James Carville when he advised President Obama to ‘PANIC’ but we also agreed even more with another pundit who altered Carville’s statement with the word ‘RESIGN’ replacing it with the word ‘PANIC !

Anonymous said...

NEW YORK -- Stocks plunged on Thursday, 09/22/11 extending a rout around the world. The indicators across the financial markets had investors concerned that there's no clear way the United States will avoid another recession in 2011-2012

Are the negative signs building to a recession?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

When all is said and done, let it be known that the collapse of the United States economy, the dollar, and U.S sovereignty, was the result of a betrayal of the public trust by those elected to protect and defend the Constitution and its principles of individual liberty, and government of, by and for The People...Amen!....


Anonymous said...

President Obama wants himself in charge of the government and have complete control over every detail of each Americans' Life as if we do not have a brain to think and are not competent to make a decision for ourselves.

He appears to be a Socialist who's mission is to be King of U.S.A., while destroying America's Freedom and status in the world.

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