Sunday, September 4, 2011

iPhone Releases Countdown Clock To The End of The Most Devestating Predisency America Has Ever Known!

The iPhone Countdown clock counts down to the end of the most destructive presidency America has ever known, and also highlights the record unemployment, high gas prices, plummeting housing values, and record debt of more than $14 trillion dollars thanks to his reckless and out of control spending!

In fact the only good thing that can be said about the Obama Presidency is that his term is quickly coming to the end!

Click the headline above to find out how to order this valuable tool from Apple and you too can track the end of this disastrous administration and look forward to the day when America can once again celebrate prosperity!


Anonymous said...

When George W. Bush left office, unemployment was at 4.5%

Now thanks to the socialist in chief, it is over 9% and the CBO predicts you will not see unemployment below 9& for at least several years.

How's that HOPE & CHANGE working for you?

Anonymous said...

Every ethnic or racial group should be wishing George W. Bush could be back in the White House.

In 2007, the last full year Bush was President, the unemployment rate was 4.5% for whites, 6" for Latinos, and 8% for Blacks.

Now after 3 years of Obamanomics, the unemployment rate is 9% for whites, 12% for Latinos, and 18% for Blacks.

Imagine where these numbers will be after another 4 years of the most destructive administration America has ever seen?

Just keep voting for those Democrats and take your place in the soup line.

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