Saturday, October 15, 2011

Larry Hermanowski [ D ] seeking his eight term for the Common Council in Ward 4.

Larry would like to believe that he is the most frugal member of the council but why did vote against the sale of Saint Thomas Aquinas in his quest to appeasing the neighborhood naysayers.

And of course with his being out of Town he didn't have to go on record in voting against the Costco land sale.

With my knowing Larry for many years as a conservative.

But has recently moved to the progressive column in order to appease his daughter's father in law.

Needless to say his new ideology stance is one the voters of the district can do without.


Anonymous said...

Larry Hermanowski has become a turn-coat politican endorsed and connected to the Working Families Party?

Anonymous said...

Hermanowski is the father-in-law of Defronzo, so is there any surprise here?

Birds (or in this case socialists) of a feather!

Anonymous said...

I guess blood is thicker than communism?

Anonymous said...

Election time is in a few weeks...Politicians can be voted out of office, as well voted into office.

Chuck said...

Voting Hermanowski out of office would be moving this city in the right direction.

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