Thursday, October 27, 2011

To: New Britain Voters from Art Helfgott

I am asking for you to support Lou Salvio in his run for City Council, and I’ll tell you why. Lou, as Rabbi Okolica says, is the “voice of the people”. He has always served as the watch dog over what happens, and as he always does his homework, is not afraid to speak his mind if something seems amiss.

I have known Lou for a very long time (I remind him that I knew him when he was a liberal!!) and I served with Lou for many years on City Council. Having myself been a member of the majority party, I had a rather unique perspective on Lou.

While I certainly did not always agree with him, ask anyone with whom I served and they will tell you that, quite often, I would remind my caucus that he ought not be dismissed just because he has an R after his name. Often, I thought he was right about that which he spoke, and we as a caucus would do well to listen. I’m proud to say that quite often, they did, we did, and we ultimately accepted his position as being the correct way to go. (Boy, we could use those days again, huh??)

He has many years of experience on City Council, and being retired, devotes many hours to this endeavor, doing his homework, talking to department heads to find out either why, or why not something occurs. He has always been great with constituent services, almost single-handedly responsible for getting many things done that might have been overlooked by a bureaucracy, but not by him.

His education and years of experience as a teacher serve him well to understand the dynamics of the Board of Ed and their budget, and the years of experience on Council would be most beneficial to younger council members who will allow him to mentor them.
I believe that we need his experience, his tenacity, and his devotion to the City on City Council for as long as he is willing – I’m voting for him for that reason, and hope that you will too.




Anonymous said...

Lou Salvio always seems to have the best interests of the people of New Britain at heart and therefore deserves my vote!

Anonymous said...

Have you notice the crop of supposedly qualified elected Senators and Representatives and Lawyers at the Capital up in Hartford CT? How about a President in Washington DC that had a job as a “community organizer” in the City of Chicago?

What were his qualifications?

He was good at holding up governments for money, and appointed people, who had been told the money would be for the benefit of business and banks and then it all went to admin costs.

The qualification for most of the pols is they can’t get or hold a private sector job so they need to work for the government, which becomes a family business.

The government needs to learn economics and not think that the wealth bvelongs to the government. We fought two wars against the Brits in the 1700s and 1800s to eliminate that concept from the American economy.

Jerry said...

Give me a break Art,You have a bone to pick with the Dems because they did not support your wife for state central,and besides you stunk as an alderman

Anonymous said...


....The head of the Union representing New York City police sergeants wants Occupy Wall Street protesters to know he'll pursue legal action against anyone who harms and assaults New York City Police officers at Occupy Wall Street site in and around the City.

The statement came after clashes between protesters and police in Oakland, Calif., and elsewhere. The movement in New York City, where the protests originated, has been largely peaceful, so far?

Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins told The Associated Press he wants demonstrators to know that assaulting an officer is a crime. He hopes no violence breaks out against the police in and around New York City.

Anonymous said...

I was going to vote straight down Row B but I saw Lou Salvio's wife endorsing Tim O'Brien on one of his mail pieces so now I'm voting for O'Brien and then Row B for the rest of the ticket. I guess Lou and his family are jumping across party lines and abandoning Team Bernacki.

Mary Lou Sanders said...

That isn't Lou Salvio's wife. It is his daughter-in-law, a democrat, who works at the capitol for the democrats. Did she have a choice in this matter or was it her job or the commemt? Only she knows.

Mary Lou Sanders

Anonymous said...

I would assume it was her choice, and because of that, I'm definitely voting for Tim O'Brien now. I'm telling all my friends that the Salvio's have endorsed O'Brien and not to vote for Bernacki.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "To: New Britain Voters from Art Helfgott":

I would assume it was her choice, and because of that, I'm definitely voting for Tim O'Brien now. I'm telling all my friends that the Salvio's have endorsed O'Brien and not to vote for Bernacki.

Hey Sherwood: You know that it is not Salvio's wife but his Daughter in law who works at the state legislature for the Democrats.

She properly didn't know that this picture was being taken.

Take from on who know how you scum work.

Anonymous said...

The statement about Lous wife mist come from Sherwoods camp. Only he or one of his childish moronic hendhmen could be so dumb

Besides if you ever met Lous wife you would know his wife has DARK hair abd this women in the picture has blond hair. After this please checks your facts.

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