Wednesday, December 28, 2011

City tax collections to go online: Residents offered easier access to pay bills online, payment history - The New Britain Herald (



Anonymous said...

Now we can see for ourselves how many elected officials are deadbeats!

Anonymous said...

Why not get a comment from the elected tax collector? They must have put a gag on her because she has been opposed to this for years. The company that does the online collections makes a profit from charging the customer (you) for using their service. Does not cost the city anything. Probably a crony of someone close to the new mayor perhaps someone friendly to Brendan Kennedy??????

Anonymous said...

Let's see how many of O'Brien's socialist radical crew we can find on the delinquent list!

Anonymous said...

This is Cheryl's last term. She's lucky she squeaked by. This will not be the case in 2013.

Anonymous said...

I agree. It's a shame Todd Szabo didn't pull off a victory. He door knocked me for tax collector and seems to have a lot more going on upstairs than Cheryl.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why not get a comment from the elected tax collector? They must have put a gag on her because she has been opposed to this for years. The company that does the online collections makes a profit from charging the customer (you) for using their service. Does not cost the city anything. Probably a crony of someone close to the new mayor perhaps someone friendly to Brendan Kennedy??????

....Isn't that why we elect Constables, to collect the overdue taxes???

TOP SECRET said...

Perhaps the deal with the private collection agency needs to be made public. What are they afraid we might find out?

Anonymous said...

So many secrets. What happened to transparency?

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