Tuesday, December 27, 2011



Anonymous said...

Local Latino community leaders and activists called for the resignation of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Monday and asked that his officers change their tactics and stop what they call racial profiling.

Antonio Bustamante, a civil-rights attorney and director of Los Abogados, Arizona's Hispanic Bar Association, said federal Judge Murray Snow's ruling Friday is "monumentally important" because it confirms that officers are not authorized to pull anyone over if they think they are in the country illegally

Anonymous said...

Are they really Latino leaders when the community consists of 85% Latinos and they consistently re-elect Joe Arpaio by huge margins in the hundreds of thousands in each election when his challenger has always been a Latino? There is clearly something about this old white man that the Latino community loves since no Latino can beat him in an election.

Sounds like radicals who don't really speak for the community much like our local Democratic Party.

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