Thursday, December 8, 2011

Obama Running On Resentment Of The Rich --


Anonymous said...

Obama Running On Resentment Of These Rich Folks...

...In the first month of his presidency, Barack Obama averred that if in three years he hadn't alleviated the nation's economic pain, he'd be a "one-term proposition." When three-quarters of Americans think the country is on the "wrong track" and even Bill Clinton calls the economy "lousy," how then to run for a second term?

Traveling to Osawatomie, Kansas, site of a famous 1910 Teddy Roosevelt speech, Obama laid out the case. It seems that he and his policies have nothing to do with the current state of things. Sure, presidents are ordinarily held accountable for economic growth, unemployment, national indebtedness, but not this time. Responsibility, you see, lies with these rich folks, according to Obama.

Anonymous said...

What does it tell you about Odumbo when Bill Clinton is going around agreeing with Newt Gingrich?

Anonymous said...

There has been long-running campaign to adopt a global gun control scheme at the United Nations, that has gathered momentum under the Obama administration. While global gun prohibitionists have ramped up their effort- during the same period that the U.S. Supreme Court has issued two rulings affirming that the Second Amendment affirms an individual right to keep and bear arms.

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