Friday, December 16, 2011

Union: AT&T lays off 100 operators at Old Saybrook, Waterbury facilities - The Middletown Press (


Anonymous said...

anytime a union thug is out the door, it is a reason for celebration. makes me proud to be a loyal AT&T customer!

Anonymous said...

anytime a union thug is out the door, it is a reason for celebration. makes me proud to be a loyal AT&T customer!

Anonymous said...

Since I never ever spend my money at a union business, I wish I could take credit for even one of these union members losing their job. I would sleep better tonight if I could.

Anonymous said...

Unions are the best thing going for the southern states because it is the unions that are forcing employers to flee the Northeast for free southern states and that is driving much of the new employment in the right-to-work states as they flee the socialism of the North.

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