Thursday, January 26, 2012

New OFA Projection Puts Malloy's State Budget Deficit At $144.5 Million -



Anonymous said...

It will only get worse as more and more flee this socialist regime by voting with their feet and moving to a remaining free state!

Anonymous said...

Must be George Bush's fault!

Anonymous said...

Wait until ex-state rep O'Brien finishes with New Britain's budget.
His budget skills are legendary.

Anonymous said...

I guess Dictator Dan's answer to this deficit will be to borrow more and ramp up spending even further!

Anonymous said...

Danny Boy's budget appears to be something out of Disney, possibly Fantasyland!

Anonymous said...

Hell with Bush.

Moody's is corrupt, OFA doesn't know what they are doing. Only our benevolent dictator knows what's going on. Only he can "balance" a budget. We are on the good ship Titanic folks and Gilligan is at the helm.

Anonymous said...

More like the good ship S.S. Communist!

Anonymous said...

With these guys it is more like the Good Ship Lollypop!

Anonymous said...

Tonight on "Law & Order" Jack McCoy was comparing the sitting Governor of New York with a ham sandwich. Had be been referring to our own Danny Boy, I would have to believe that the ham sandwich has more brains!

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