Thursday, January 26, 2012

Right to Work President Applauds House Passage of Indiana Right to Work Bill | The National Right to Work Committee®


Anonymous said...

One more state putting an end to this cancerous growth that is destroying our nation. Indiana will soon be a free state while Connecticut workers will continue to be oppressed slaves at the hands of union thugs and Democrats!

Anonymous said...

Here in Connecticut we can only dream of some day being free--thanks to the socialist regime running our legislature we are not among the Free States of America.

Anonymous said...

How can anyone really be free if a Communist Dictator is able to order you to pay dues to a union against your free will?

Anonymous said...

The best way to fight this cancer is to refuse to spend your money with any business that employs union members!

Anonymous said...

Laws like this are a perfect reason to support the National Right To Work Foundation with your tax deductible donation. Simply go to to find out more!

Anonymous said...

Unions are destroying half of this country while the other half of the country pushes back against them!

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