Wednesday, February 29, 2012

150 Turn Out To Hear Finalists For New Britain School Superintendent -



Anonymous said...

I was very impressed with the candidates last night. My personnel opinion is Mr. Cooper, he was head and shoulders over the other two. To me surprisethere were NO city council present.

And out spoken Lou Salviodid not come. I guess he just like to take ilinformed or uninformed stabs in the dark.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that Don Stacom from the Courant brings us the news in a timely fashion? Were not the Herald reporters at the forum?

Anonymous said...

Stacom is in the pocket of the new administration. He prints whatever they say to him and they know it. He took great pleasure in attacking the last administration that shut him out. He also prints whatever any crying union member has to claim, knowing that the City can not effectively respond. Stacom needs to move to the Enquirer where his talent for creative writing can be appreciated. He should do it soon as the Courant and parent Tribune are bankrupt and keep losing readers.

Anonymous said...

To me surprisethere were NO city council present.

Actually Alderman Giantonio was there and he also served on the external committee.

Lou Salvio said...

To: Mr. Anonymous #1 in the comments

Everybody makes typos but you sir are a pro at it; you leave out spaces in some places and place them where they don't belong. Read today's - Thursday's - on line Herald and you'll see that I can't make comments there and be anonymous. You sir, are a pinhead.

You should have ended your post after your first two sentences! Other than that, you had nothing of importance to say!

Anonymous said...

Lou you know who the mispeller is. He has a significant problem with the english language!

Anonymous said...

He must be a graduate of an inferior, union run, failing public school. Anyone who was fortunate enough to attend a superior non-union private school would know how to spell correctly.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
Lou you know who the mispeller is. He has a significant problem with the english language!

March 1, 2012 10:27 AM"

The "misspeller" also "misspelled", ill-informed. I guess he was simply mis-speaking and mis-writing the English language.

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