Friday, February 10, 2012

CHRIS POWELL: Malloy getting eaten alive - The Middletown Press (


Anonymous said...

Dopey Dan is running this state right down the toilet. We are already rated the worst place on earth to retire in, mainly because of our massive taxation, and he continues to move this state to the extreme left like the radical extremist dope that he is.

Anonymous said...

And liberals falsely accused George Bush of being dumb?

Danny Boy and his Granny could very well be the modern version of "Dumb & Dumber."

Anonymous said...

Under the Marxist regime that has been controlling our legislature for more than 40 years, not to mention the current governor, Connecticut is proof positive that socialism is doomed to failure.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Danno can't read this story for himself!

Anonymous said...

The Republican American described the failures of Barrack Hussein Obama as follows:


Whatever Barack Obama was referring to during the 2008 presidential campaign when he promised to usher in an era of "hope and change," it is now clear there is little of either."

Here in Connecticut we have our own dope called Dan the Dope!

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