Saturday, February 4, 2012

First, they came for the Catholics | Michelle Malkin | Columnists | Washington Examiner



Anonymous said...

What do you expect from the Muslim-In-Chief?

Anonymous said...

Wait until they get around to the Jews, we know how well Muslims like Jews!

Anonymous said...

If the leadership of the Catholic Church had been united and focused upon their responsibility of teaching the faith instead of illegal and immoral social engineering, maybe they, and many of their faithful, would not had been blinded by the deception of Obama’s ‘Hope & Change’ charade.

Would 52% of Catholics have voted for Obama in 2008, if the entire leadership of the Church had been focused upon professing the faith, not actively advocating the subversion of the law and immorality?

Anonymous said...

On Friday, January 20th, 2012 the Federal Department of Health and Human Services imposed a mandate on health insurance plans that is a serious violation of freedom of conscience for those of the Catholic Faith. It demands that all employers, with a few small exceptions, pay for health coverage that covers sterilization, pills that induce abortion, and contraception.

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