Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lopes' Bill to cap the Busway!

With his placing the 4,000 construction jobs in jeopardy by placing a cap to this project while claiming to have not consulted with any of the Bristol's opponents of this project is Lopes' usual method of avoiding the facts.

His boss is Donald DeFronzo, is a certainty through communications flow, he is following his bosses' wishes.

His expression, if you form an opinion of my intent, has he stated in a local newspaper, "first needs to have a conversation with me."

I trust that the construction unions will speak up for their unemployed construction workers that needs these jobs this project will provide and have the conversation he requested to have with him .



Anonymous said...


I guess this shows that Lopes is still DeFronzo's lackey!

Anonymous said...

What happens when the money runs out and the busway is not complete? It is only 10-15 years that the state dragged it feet on approving the busway. Gas is going up to $5.00 a gallon this summer, people need the busway or it will be a choice between food or gas.

Anonymous said...

Lopes is very well aware that the best of plans go array. He certainly know that during the construction phase of this project that there will be reasons for extra charges so his proposal, if past, will kill this project altogether.

Will CCSU have to build more parking garages to accommodate the parking needs of all students?

Anonymous said...

It is refreshing to see that there is one Democrat who realizes that this boondoggle is a colossal waste of money.

Former Governor John Rowland would be proud of Rep. Lopes on his opposition to this busway!

Anonymous said...

It's called pandering to the negativity of the electorate! Just another big government liberal loser! Get out of CT people it's going bad in a hurry when the likes of Lopes gets elected to the legislature!

Anonymous said...

Way back when the busway was first proposed, it was former senator Joe Harper and Don DeFronzo who spearheaded the idea. How many of you remember that?

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