Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Malloy: Cut The Red Tape That Burdens Schools -



Anonymous said...

It is apparent that Governor Malloy is placing the teacher's union in charge.

Our Children's education is of no concern to Malloy but making his promise to the teacher's union a reality is.

Anonymous said...

Democrats continue to screw the children all in the name of protecting all that dirty money they get in the way of campaign donations from the union. They couldn't care less about the quality of education so long as the money keeps flowing into their coffers.

Anonymous said...

School vouchers are the best way to cut through the red tape. Give the parents the control over where their children will go to school instead of some brain dead bureaucrat making that decision for the sole benefit of a union and the money they funnel into Democrats campaigns.

Anonymous said...

Democrats are so opposed to any form of freedom because no one would willingly go into socialism. Since it is so destructive to a society, it must be forced up them against their will. Does forcing socialist programs down people's throats against the overwhelming will of the people remind you of a particular political party?

Anonymous said...

I still will never understand how any black person could ever affiliate with the same party that fought to the end to prevent blacks from having the same rights as whites. As late as 1968, the Democratic Party was still fighting to keep blacks inferior to whites.

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