Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The New Britain Housing Authority Receives HUD Grant

The Housing Authority will Receive a Four Million Federal HUD Grant for a Community Center.

An 18,000 square foot community education training center which will provide adult education.
Primarily, as a main target, it is to provide Job training for the low income residents.

This was developed through collaboration of Representative Chris Murphy, HRA, Capital Workforce

partners, Victory Energy Solutions, and the New Britain Housing Authority Board Members together with Housing Management.



Anonymous said...

Maybe Bozek was right? Low income housing at every stop of the boondoggle bus?

Anonymous said...

Someone ought to ask Lisa Royce how much the Housing Authority spent on consultants just to get this small pot of money? Hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a new community center? How about the money needed to get rid of the decrepit housing stock? HOPE VI was just reauthorized and nothing for NB? Just keep handing out more money and services and see if they will ever go away? Never! Just like feeding feral cats people, they always come back for more. So training these folks for jobs will not make them leave, I'll bet you $10,000k!

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