Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Britain's Legislative Delegation Praises Malloy Plan For Education Aid -



Anonymous said...

This bunch of misfits would praise Dopey Dan no matter what fantasy he tries to peddle us. Danny Boy simply proposes spending more money we simply don't have. Now there's a real surprise!

Anonymous said...

Dictator Dan sure can shovel the cow manure!

Anonymous said...

These Dopes would support Dopey Dan no matter how terrible his plans simply because they are fellow radical left wing extremists who will blindly support Danny Boy no matter how terrible and destructive his plans may be to this state. The blind leading the blind, or in this case the ignorant leading the ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Are any of these brain trusts part of the same group of radicals that helped drive Walmart out of the city with one radical protest after another in front of their former store?

I don't remember many of the names, but as I recall, a group of local elected Democrats demanded control over what race the company would hire for its managers and the store clearly responded by saying good bye to New Britain.

Anonymous said...

Monkey see, Monkey do!

Anonymous said...


Why not praise Malloy; we're talking about something of which not not a one of them has any knowledge.

Anonymous said...

I would guess there are many subjects which this group of total misfits would have little or no knowledge on.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I would guess there are many subjects which this group of total misfits would have little or no knowledge on....

...led by Danno Misfit himself!

Anonymous said...

This bunch of misfits would praise Dopey Dan's trip the toilet as a bold move.

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