Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Right to Works Law for Indiana signed into Law

Indiana Governor Signs "Right To Work Law" for the State.
Gov. Mitch Daniels sign the bill into law that bars union contracts from requiring non-union members to pay fees for representation.


Anonymous said...

Union thuggery being rejected in more states means for freedom for working Americans!

Anonymous said...

Indiana workers now enjoy a freedom that Connecticut workers can only dream of. I wonder what it would be like to live in such a free state?

Anonymous said...

Union membership is at a 70 year low in this country, so unless they can force people to belong totally against their free will, unions will soon go out of existence. No one in their right mind would join freely!

Anonymous said...

Even Obama apparently understands that you get better work out of non-union help, because he gets his airplane serviced in a right-to-work state.

Anonymous said...

As long as you can be forced against your will to belong to an organization you would never join without force, then can any of us be free?

Anonymous said...

Thank you "Right To Work Foundation" for helping to protect freedom in 23 states!

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