Saturday, March 24, 2012

BILL O'REILLY: Election all about 'Obama money' - The Middletown Press (


Anonymous said...

I think Mr. O'Reilly is finally waking up to the notion that Democrats are parasites.

Anonymous said...

If we just back him, we can become the communist nation he is leading us to. I look really good in gray uniforms. I also can't wait to stand in long bread lines, like those ungrateful russians who didn't like the communist system in their country they were so blessed to have and they came running to the US to escape. Yes, let us take from the rich who worked hard to build their businesses and provided jobs for Americans. We should give their money to the poor and anybody that has demonstrated no capacity to manage finances or contribute to society, or build jobs for others. Yes just give them the money and like magic, they will become able to do this. And of course taking the money from these wealthy corporate contributers is not going to piss them off and send them to some other country to offer their products and services and thereby jobs. Obama is Black and that is all that is important, just like Pappa Doc of Haiti and Idi Amin of Uganda - Black is a sure guarantee of honesty and care for the people. And who cares about the constitution of the United States? It has nothing to do with the success this country has achieved..right? Have you read the constitution? Do you know anything about its significance? Does it matter that Obama transgresses it regularly? Ah-- You say who cares!! He is throwing around money!! Whose money is it? Does it matter? I also hope you don't like that Christian religion thing. Jesus worship is typically banned by socialist and communist agendas. Islam ain't crazy about it either. And of course you are aware of the Eugenics (Black genocide) practice that is going on in the US since emancipation. Yeah, hip, hip hooray for OBama!!!! He's Black and all we need. Rock-a-bye Black Man, keep dreamin'. Reading isn't really fundamental. Researching for yourself about the constitution isn't important. Lets build this country on personality!! Did I hurt your feelings? Just wait til you see what a communist system or Shariah law will do to your feelings.

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