Friday, March 16, 2012

In His First State of City Address, Mayor O'Brien, Retorting to His Usual Blame Game!


Mr. Mayor, by your stating its all the past administration's fault, in your State of the City Address to the Common Council membership one wonders to what party your mayoral ship represents.

When I last looked you are a Democratic mayor and with your blaming your predecessor for all your ills unfortunately,itis a complete fabrication bestowed by you, onto the city taxpayers.

Kindly be reminded that all past budget approvals were passed by a Democratic majority control common council which places the blame back to your own party.

It would have been more appreciative by the taxpayers if you had told truth rather than adverting to your " usual blame game."

As a registered Democrat, like yourself, I hope you promise to not raise taxes will be factual.


Anonymous said...

WHEN will you ever tell the truth.
The good citizens deserve the TRUTH, The Dems have been in control of the common council for the last 50 years plus. If anyone is to blame its the Dems and the people that have elected them.

Anonymous said...

The B.O.E. members who won't tell the truth about Sherwood are just as much to blame. These are the people who control most of our tax dollars. They no longer deserve our confidence.

Anonymous said...

NB Mayor O’Brien said during his first days in office, his administration has been primarily focused on three main challenges facing the City:

1. Economic Development & Job Creation.

2. Getting New Britain’s Finances in Order.

3. Neighborhood Quality of Life Issues.

Mayor O'Brien stated that We have closed the deficit without cutting services or raising taxes. We secured finances so that one of the city’s most expensive construction projects, the new police station, wouldn’t come to a grinding halt.

O’Brien also stated. Right now, our budget is balanced for this fiscal year, and our police station is on track to soon being finished.

He said his number one job as Mayor is creating jobs for residents...JOBS...JOBS...JOBS..?

Anonymous said...

According to BOE members I spoke with Sherwood never entered the room. There was just a shouting match with Carlos and Sharon outside. Guess Sherwack was sent down by the Mayor cause he wanted to rally the troops and they told their mayor to go home.

Odd if true.

I am surprised O'Brien said he would not raise taxes; not sure I believe it. This will make be unpopular here I know but I do think there was or is a deficit. What conspiracy would get Moodies, Finance Director, and Independent Audit firm (And Mark Fortin a Republican auditor on the audit commision)all to sing the same lie?

I know sherwack may be a bully but he is by no means that talented...

Anonymous said...

The NB Democratic Town Committee welcomed 14 new members at a March 12th organizational meeting held at New Britain City Hall.

The 51-member committee, representing the city’s 15 voting districts, includes 14 new members — Gregory Gerratana, Tonilynn Collins, Katie Breslin, Isabelita Cancel, Alma Brown, Monica Hermanowski-DeFronzo, Ann Speyer, Duane Hinkson, Bryan Sabin, Aram Ayalon, Robert Pleines, Ronald Davis, Gil Martinez and Donna Crockett.

Anonymous said...

Whether or not Sherwood physically entered the room is irrelevant to me: the fact of the matter is he THREATENED the BOE president with "ending her political career" if she did not do what HE (i.e. Mayor McDoofus) wanted. We teach our children there is no place in school for bullying, well apparently it is OK is City Hall.

Anonymous said...

HARTFORD COURANT - NB Mayor Mayor O'Brien Blames Deficit on Predecessor/ The prior administration left our city with a terrible deficit, an irresponsibly large deficit.

Also, NB DTC Robert Pleines/ Hartford Courant comments ... "The former mayor is a narcissist and a bully... he's conniving and can't be trusted.... and if you dissagree with him, instead of trying to reach a compromise, and turn an adversary into an ally.... he shuts you out completely - you become his enemy, and then he acts like a child by calling you names. He only cares about himself, and blames his shortcomings on everyone else.... time for this grown man to start acting like an adult, admit the fact that he's made mistakes, and take responsibility for them....."

Anonymous said...

Timothy Stewart- University of Hartford

Tim Stewart comments -"Saying Moody's affirmed the deficit is a lie, yes their report indicated years of structural deficits when in fact my administration never had a deficit in 8 years! They responded to this administrations claim mid year of an $11m hole in their budget. That is another bold face lie! Budgets are reconciled at fiscal year end and that is the time when deficits or surplusses are declared, anticipating one is for nothing more than political show. And to claim that the city got an upgrade in the process is yet another lie! Having a negative outlook is directly attributed to their actions. The only reason for doing this was because of an incompetent finance director afraid of his own shadow who claimed the sky is falling and these incompetents jumped at the chance to tarnish my administration.
Grow up Mr.O'Brien and Sherwood the city wants adults leading not high schoolers blaming everything on someone else!"

Anonymous said...

Maybe the mayor was telling the truth and he just withheld the information about the hundreds of city employees he intends to lay off or the 25% pay cut he intends to get all the unions to agree to in order to accomplish this no tax increase budget.

Failing a plan for massive layoffs or at least a 25% give back by all city employees both union and management, then I would have to agree with you that he must be lying.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the mayor didn't even realize he was lying to the people, or should I phrase it that Sherwood was lying to the people, because even though you may have seen the mayor's lips moving, it was really Sherwood who was speaking.

Anonymous said...

I doubt O'Brien even understood some of those big words!

Anonymous said...

Wait until July when you open those tax bills to discover the huge increases required to keep supporting all those people who don't work and never paid a dime in taxes their entire lives. You have to work so that so many of them never have to, and someone has to pay for all that free stuff. That would be you, so go out and get the second job it will require to keep up with your tax payments.

Anonymous said...

I doubt O'Brien even knows his own address!

Anonymous said...

Whenever I have started a new job, I didn't start my employment by blaming the person who had the job before me. I have accessed what needed to be done to make things work planed and then implemented the changes that were needed. Complaining that the person who did the job before me made such a mess does not help to make thing right. It would be just wasting time and energy that could be used to make things better. Who cares what the person did before. Now it would be my problem to take ownership of... Get real people, Remember, United We Stand Divided We Fall.


Anonymous said...

The blame game is just an excuse to cover up for his own incompetence just like what is going on with Obama. He is responsible for the most failed presidency in American history and is still 3 1/2 years later blaming his predecessor for the disaster that he caused with his totally failed disastrous policies.

Mayor Stewart said...

Frank I have been relatively silent on this administration but can keep silent no longer. This group of people operating in the mayor's office will certainly turn out to be the worst in this city's history. I never blamed Lucian for what was wrong when I took office I dug in and tackled the issues as they were presented. He never left me as much as a piece of paper on the desk with an empty ashtray and these people complained that we erased files? We left them 100x more than was left for us. This mayor uses a state of the city address to bash me without saying my name, oh to be so kind, and doesn't even talk of his plans for the future? It's because he has none! Focusing on economic development means what exactly? Kissing anybody's ass that comes into your office to do business? They are clueless which is why they continue to play the blame game right from Obama's playbook! They must teach these ploiticos that in their liberal schools they attended.
And how is the quality of life issues bringing in revenue for the city Mr. Mayor? Citing property owners will do nothing more than eventually getting them into housing court and certainly will not end up with the city profitting. More smoke and mirrors cause they're going to clean the city? What we all should do is rid the city of vermin like them and maybe we might just have a fighting chance someday!
And to respond to the person who said that all of those people must be in cahoots or something, Moody's relies on the city to give them all of the necessary information for a municvipal rating prior to a bond sale. When the finance director tells them that the city has an $11m deficit because of blah,blah,blah, guess what they print in their rating outlook? Bob Curry set this whole thing up because of his dislike towards me and my administraion. He is an incompetent boob who should have been fired several years ago when he screwed the BOE budget up and cost the city an additional $3m annually! Moody's will only affirm what information they are given and people like Mark Fortin are just as influenced by this nonsense. As for the independent auditing firm, all they did what say that these particular items in the budget have not met their goals yet. Duh! Ther was still 6 months to go in the fiscal year and both of those items in the revenue side of the budget wwere the mayor's to fill! He has no clue how to save anything which is why he is resorting to blaming me for his own ignorance! And that's a fact!
Just thought people should know Frank.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tim. We needed to hear the truth from you. Hope that you will come back some day,peace and good wishes for Kevin.

Jimmy said...

it sounds like punk talking Stewart can face the truth.Get a grip and face the fact you left the city in a hole!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sherwood, you and your boss are running this city right down the crapper, so "where's the beef?" now?

Anonymous said...

Hey Sherwood, you and your boss are running this city right down the crapper, so "where's the beef?" now?

Anonymous said...

Well said Mayor Stewart.
If voters knew they were getting Sherwood when they voted for O'Brien, then Mark Bernacki would be our Mayor now. The Democrats on the B.O.E. should stop playing politics and expose him.

Anonymous said...

No, If Lucian didn't screw the election up Mark B. would be the mayor. Rumors abound that Lucian took a pay-off from the democratic party to throw the election O'Brien's way thus assuring a win for the ultra-liberals.

Anonymous said...

If Mr. Robert Pleines truly cared about the city of New Britain he would have supported the hundreds of jobs and hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax money coming to our city from Costco. Those are jobs our unemployed in the central city would gladly welcome, and everyone knows our kids need and use the parks in the central core of city of New Britain.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jimmy don't you have some liberal ass to kiss?

Anonymous said...

There are only a few BOE nenbers I trustand Saavedra is not one them.
T trust Judy Greco Louisa Leal,Tony Cane, Paul Carver and Jim Sanders.

Nicole SandI have not made up my mind yet about her.

The three stooges left are Aram Ayam Ayalon, Carlos Pina and
Sharon Savedra. These three are flaming liberals and would do anything to save their own ass and are therefore letting Sherwood use them. After they have served their purpose they will be "kicked to the curb".

However, I believe that Pina and Saavedra, if they are truly honest
willblow the whistle on Sherwood. In the future they will not get anything, politically , from Sherdood.

Anonymous said...

Don't count on Pina and Saavedra, blowing the whistle on Sherwood. They are too political. If they were going to do it, they would have done so by now, however, this doesn't mean we shouldn't keep urging them to.

Anonymous said...

The New Britain Herald may have jumped the gun on their headline story, the "Ex-mayor Stewart threatens legal action over Facebook exchange" posting by Bob Pleines. Since, retired Mayor Stewart was obviously referring to Pleines standing in front of a drilling machine at the Stanley Golf course, Mr. Pleines probably cost the city thousands of dollars.

That's why he would need a good lawyer. That is obviously what Stewart was referring to. So, The Herald only printed part of the quote. The first sentence in the story was "Hey Bob don't you have a drilling machine to stand in front of today?"

Frank Smith said...

Anonymous said...
The New Britain Herald may have jumped the gun on their headline story, the "Ex-mayor Stewart threatens legal action over Facebook exchange" posting by Bob Pleines. Since, retired Mayor Stewart was obviously referring to Pleines standing in front of a drilling machine at the Stanley Golf course, Mr. Pleines probably cost the city thousands of dollars.

That's why he would need a good lawyer. That is obviously what Stewart was referring to. So, The Herald only printed part of the quote. The first sentence in the story was "Hey Bob don't you have a drilling machine to stand in front of today?"

March 17, 2012 11:56 AM

No one can believe that Mayor O'Brien will allow a law suit against his ultra liberal friend to take place no matter how much his unauthorized actions cost our city.

Anonymous said...

NEW BRITAIN - New Britain resident Bob B. Pleines is a member of "Friends of A.W. Stanley Park", plus commissioner of Parks & Recreation and New Britain Democratic Town Committee member; also has 165 Facebook friends and one of the more vocal opponents to having a Costco store built on New Britain Stanley parkland.

Anonymous said...

This show was certainly staged by Sherwood.

Anonymous said...

The NB Democratic Town Committee welcomed 14 new members at a March 12th organizational meeting held at New Britain City Hall.

The 51-member committee, representing the city’s 15 voting districts, includes 14 new members — Gregory Gerratana, Tonilynn Collins, Katie Breslin, Isabelita Cancel, Alma Brown, Monica Hermanowski-DeFronzo, Ann Speyer, Duane Hinkson, Bryan Sabin, Aram Ayalon, Robert Pleines, Ronald Davis, Gil Martinez and Donna Crockett.

NOTE: Google Search/ New Britain Stanley Street resident Robert Pleines (a.k.a. ) .Bob Pleines, Cindy And-Bob Pleines, Reconnecticut with Robert Pleines of New Britain, New Britain CT Democratic Party-Bob Pleines.

Anonymous said...

This isn't the first time a New Britain Herald reporter created a headline story to make former Mayor Stewart look bad- 03/15/12 headline story "Ex-mayor Stewart threatens legal action over Facebook exchange".

Yes, former NB Herald Reporter Rick Guinness made a career out of it.

Anonymous said...

what do you expect when you elect a bunch of commies?

Anonymous said...

The best thing you can do is get out before it all completely goes down the crapper, but if you own a home, don't expect anyone in their right mind to be interested in buying it unless you are fortunate to find a radical extremist that believes New Britain is actually moving in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

Like you said--no one in their right mind!

Anonymous said...

I would be shocked if O'Brien actually knew his home address, never mind a state of the city address. Without Sherwood to push his buttons, he is totally clueless.

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