Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mayor and his Blooter's Edict to Common Council Membership

An editorial that appeared in this blog dated 3-14-12 announcing the common council leadership meeting with the mayor's office were advised to only ask questions during the leadership meetings and not on the council floor. Additional one republican attending this meeting was advised that he was no longer welcome to attend because he asked too many questions. Subsequent common council meetings have proven that Mayor O'Brian and his blooter spokesman's edict have prevailed.



Anonymous said...

This shows just how mindless these idiots are. They are obviously incapable of thinking for themselves and in my opinion, that is what makes them Democrats.

Anonymous said...

How dare you say that aldrmen cannot ask questions and not attend SECRET COUNCiL MEETINGS.

That the reason we elect peopple to ask questions. Ask the questions in publicso the entire city can be your witness.

Anonymous said...

Brainless twits!

Anonymous said...

frigging idiot is more appropriate!

Anonymous said...

What good is their transparency if we can't see through it? The Board of Ed. makes the same empty promises of transparency..

Anonymous said...

Bill O'Reilly had the word, "blooter" as his word for the day earlier this week. It is a perfect descriptive for Trueworthy, O'Brien, Bielinski, Platosha and Carlozzi. It is a perfect word for people who babble mindlessly. O'Brien hired Sherwood precisely because he knows that he himself is a mindless babbler whose speeches are vacuous prose.

Good job, Frank!

Anonymous said...

babbling mindlessly accurately describes this entire crew of misfits!

Anonymous said...

When I think of these dumbbells, there are a lot of names that come to mind, but I guess blooter certainly fits this clueless bunch of dumbbells.

Jerry V said...

You can call them what you want but they beat you Assholes every time

Anonymous said...

Jerry, that is the problem, they are destroying the city with their failed socialist programs because people like you apparently want more and more free stuff.

Anonymous said...

So much for democracy. Seems more like a dictatorship to me.

Anonymous said...

"Jerry V said...
You can call them what you want but they beat you Assholes every time

March 29, 2012 8:43 PM"

Jerry AKA, Nick:

Thank you for your profound message. Typical.

Jerry C

Anonymous said...

Jerry V said...
You can call them what you want but they beat you Assholes every time

March 29, 2012 8:43 PM


Anonymous said...

I guess we are the A-holes as Jerry put it, because we are the ones still dumb enough to work and pay taxes so that all these Democrats can live totally free off of us and have absolutely no skin in the game because they never work or pay a dime in taxes.

Anonymous said...

I like to think of Democrats as Mutants.

Anonymous said...

I think of Republicans as doormats

Anonymous said...

Incompetent losers at the game of life!

Anonymous said...

Frank, you are 100% correct. I have been watching the council meetings on channel 96 and everything passes with no questions. If the brainless twits on the council are simply going to act like puppets for the mayor's senior blooter, then why don't we just eliminate the entire bunch. 13 rubber stamps could be purchased at Staples for small investment, and then we could relieve the taxpayers of the burden of paying all those salaries for a group of human rubber stamps.

Anonymous said...

I still think that dumbbells is the best name for these socialists.

Anonymous said...

Fank: At first i did not agree with your post but when i had a chance to watch the common council meeting on channel 96 I was shocked that the blooter's edict did exist. The Council members are allowed to make motions with continued dialog but when comments is requested by the Mayor non occur.

As a resident and a taxpayer I can best expressed that this experience is similar to watching paint dry...

Frank Keep up the good work of alerting us of what is really going on with our city government.

Anonymous said...

All you need to do is watch the council meeting to see that you have elected a group of mindless, brainless puppets!

Anonymous said...

I guess these council members are all part of the clueless 50% of Americans that Herman Cain says have no idea what is going on in America.

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