Friday, March 23, 2012

New Britain Mayor Says He's Serious About Improving Blighted Buildings -



Anonymous said...

This will do little more than drive more landlords to abandon their properties and flee this socialist regime once and for all. In the end, the city will be the biggest slumlord running all these abandoned blighted properties after the landlords walk away, and the homeowners will be left with the tab paying higher and higher taxes to fund all this nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Did he fix the broken window in his house yet?

Anonymous said...

The city must have a property manager to fix these problems including the mayor's house.

Anonymous said...

It all boils down to the attitude that people who own property need to be punished for having more money than people who have never worked a day in their life. They are entitled to an even share of your money (what Obama always calls their fair share) simply for being born and it makes no difference that you worked hard your entire life to earn what you have and they never did a day's work in their collective lives, you have no right to have a penny more than someone who has lived for free off of everyone else's labor their entire lives. They are entitled to your money simply because they were born.

Anonymous said...

Replacing windows on the Berkowitz building on Main Street won't do it...the only improvement to that property is simple: TEAR IT DOWN!!
It's a shame to have that building next to a beautiful church and in the midst of a high commercial neighborhood.
It just might be a lot less expensive to tear the building down and rebuild, rather than to renovate the property!

Anonymous said...

The mayor's house is in the middle of blight central. Take a look around his neighborhood and see if you can find a property that isn't blighted!

LegalBiz said...

As a former resident of Baltimore,I thought this article could be of help to NB

Anonymous said...

Why is this even a story? There is nothing new here. Write the story when the missing windows HAVE been replaced.

Why are both the Courant and the Herald printing every piece of tripe given them by the Philoprompter?

Is there no one (other than Mayor Stewart) who is going to challenge the smoke and mirrors?

Anonymous said...

Progress could be made about cleaning up blight by having O'Brien and his staff, especially Phil the meerkat leave New Britain.

Anonymous said...

I know many people who would volunteer to help them move provided they promise to never return!

Anonymous said...

About Baltimore Slumlord Watch.....

......Baltimore Slumlord Watch was created in January of 2009, as a way for city residents to discuss and share information on Baltimore’s many bad property owners. Started by a resident who was tired of watching out of town “investors” and others destroy neighborhoods as a result of their negligence, we hope this blog will serve as a valuable service to other city residents who are sick of the problems slumlords cause in our communities. Please note, we do not work for realtors, developers, or property investors, and have no financial interest in property in Baltimore City.

Anonymous said...

can we ship derwood to baltimore?

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