Friday, March 23, 2012

Phil Sherwood's Second Waterloo:


As alleged you attempted to get into the New Britain School Board Executive Session dictating who they should pick for the New Board of Education's Superintendant or political reprisals would occur.

Also, your claiming your actions were done by you in behalf of the mayor.

In today's newspaper coverage the school board members, that are in Texas, announced their approval of their selection of Mr. Kelt L. Cooper for New Britain's new School Superintendent subject to finalization of his contract agreement with the school district.

Yes, Mr. Sherwood, your alleged threat of political reprisals didn't carry any weight or fear to the four members who decided, making your threats meaningless.

It's time for Mayor O'Brien to have a sit down with you…..


Anonymous said...

dah, Derwood didn't get his way. Haven't most of us witnessed his temper tantrums whenever that has happened in the past? Reminds me of a 2 year old child.

Anonymous said...

Sherwood still owns the Bord of ED, unless it stops covering for the administration and breaks its' silence.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like we finally found a Superintendent with the ability to turn this school system around.

Anonymous said...

Posted 01 MARCH 2012 / NB Politicus / Editor John McNamara.

New Superintendent Missed Key, Controversial Information on Kelt Cooper.

I found out about it from a retired New Britain music teacher and passionate advocate for education who posted on her Facebook page a disturbing story from the Texas Observer after what must have been a cursory search on the web.

NOTE: Who or Whom is the retired New Britain Music Teacher rendering cursory research in her hasty and superficial manner on subject of residency ?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
01 MARCH 2012/ NB Politicus / Editor John McNamara.

New Superintendent Search Missed Key, Controversial Information on Kelt Cooper.

NOTE:The correct sentence with the key word "Search"

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