Watch and see what happens to your sewer fees next year and beyond! They have to pay $40m from the City of Nb to pay for this upgrade that is not even needed! Expanding the capacity of the plant to accomodate Middletown would be paid by Middletown alone! Your fees will double in the next 3 years under this idiot O'Brien with Candelori as the chairman of Mattabassett!
follow the money!
Watch and see what happens to your sewer fees next year and beyond! They have to pay $40m from the City of Nb to pay for this upgrade that is not even needed! Expanding the capacity of the plant to accomodate Middletown would be paid by Middletown alone! Your fees will double in the next 3 years under this idiot O'Brien with Candelori as the chairman of Mattabassett!
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