Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New Britain Workers Urge Investigation into Budget; Say Layoffs Will Make Things Worse for City


Anonymous said...

How can it be the former mayor's fault when it was a Democratic supermajority on the council that approved each of the budgets?

Clearly it was the spend, spend, spend philosophy of the Democrats in power that have put this city in the fiscal mess it is in, and now you have the majority leader suggesting that the answer to the problem is to spend even more money that we simply do not have.

Anonymous said...

Sherwood wrote this article in response to his own announcement of the mayor's phony threat of layoffs. His blaming of Mayor Stewart in the very first sentence was a dead giveaway. The whole layoff thing is a big farce concocted by Sherwood and the Union leaders. The only persons who will lose their jobs are the ones who he believes are a threat to him, or who he has no further use for, like the recently fired finance director. Any one who is fired will immediate be replaced by his hand chosen appointee.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of crap. No one would even notice that most of these people are gone.

Anonymous said...

This is such a load of crap Frank! Most of these unions did not even give concessions to Mayor Stewart when asked last year! The only ones were the PD,Fire and L-818 all in exchange for more years of security and better wages and benefits long term. They are the problem and now they want a forensic audit for what? To show them exactly what was spent on their lucrative benefit packages last year? Lay them all off and let them see what is happening all across the US where the unions control the politics!

Anonymous said...

Tomato throwing contest Council Chambers!

Anonymous said...

This kind of nonsense demonstrates just how unions ARE the problem and precisely why we need right to work laws in this country to stop these radical organizations.

Any time a union member is laid off, it is cause for high praise and celebration!

Anonymous said...

Didn't the mayor audit the budget over the last few months? What are the results?

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