Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Online Petition Seeks To Rescind Raise For New Britain Mayor's Aide -



Anonymous said...

WOW, I never realized just how unpopular Sherwood is!

Anonymous said...

Phil Sherwood is a boil that won't go away. The reason this petition was formed is two fold, one, how can this idiot of a mayor cry poverty at city hall and in the next breath give this guy an elevated position with a raise? second, the republicans cannot stand Phil Sherwood but it really has nothing to do with partisian politics because there are more democrats that can't stand him either. He just needs to go away.

Anonymous said...

I know many people who would help him move back to the village in New Hampshire as long as he promised never to return!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't matter how many people helped, because the New Hampshire State Police would force the moving truck to turn around the minute it reached the border.

Anonymous said...

and I thought there was a village missing their idiot?

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