Thursday, June 7, 2012

Democrats Bring Back Saint Thomas Aquinas to Life!

Mayor O'Brien is calling for a meeting with the neighborhood residents to discuss what to do with Saint Thomas Thursday June 7 At 6 PM at the Stanley Memorial Church.

After the Democrats turned down a purchase agreement by Community Builders for a sum of $4,000,000 with their agreeing to and additional sum of $1,000,000 for remedial cleanup work The Council membership lead by the Democrats voted this offer down.

Alderman David DeFronzo sided with the neighborhood naysayers being against this proposal of tearing down the school and refurbishing the nuns residence into l8 single units and l8 two family units. Claiming it would downgrade "our community."

After being told that there were 16 request from builders for the packet information but the city received only one bid. The President Pro Tempore of the common council, Alderman Michael Trueworthy, stated that receiving only one RFP wasn't sufficient and in spite of Alderman Salvio's plea to accept the deal since heavy cost to maintain the property will continue but, Alderman Trueworthy continued with his usual dialog "this might not be the best proposal" " I spoke to a whole bunch of people and I would like to see a new RFP on the Street." "That neighborhood needs a change a community center something has to happen."

With a roll call vote the Democratic control council voted this issue down causing rumors to start from the Trueworthy statement "neighborhood needs a community center." Comments from everywhere surfaced indicating the Democratic plan is to turn over this site to The Friendship Center of Arch Street.   Are we still  looking for RFP's, Alderman?


Anonymous said...

So is Mayor Sherwood and his minions up to a sneaky attempt to move forward with plans to put the largest homeless shelter in the state in this otherwise nice residential neighborhood?

If that is true, get ready to have the dregs of society roaming your streets at all hours of the day and night.

Anonymous said...

New Britain voters, take head and keep banging against cement wall. It's almost comical.

Anonymous said...

Aren't most of the dregs of society in city hall--especially the mayor's office?

Anonymous said...

This is a sure sign of this idiots lack of fortitude Frank! Asking the residents what thery want will never come to fruition. All they want is white people and single family homes that will never happen. Face the facts east enders, your neighborhood has bee co-opted by puerto ricans and deadbeats who could give a crap about keeping the city clean! I bet they put some not for profit there just to say they're doing something with the property. Losers!

Anonymous said...

I bet it will be the homeless shelter with a bunch of bums roaming the streets and sleeping in doorways during the day when the shelter throws them out until the next night, so they go to the liquor store, buy a bottle of the cheapest crap they can get, and then look for a doorway to sleep it off in. Just wait until you need to move the bums out of the way just to open the door to your house, then you can thank O'Brainless! (don't forget to thank O'bamalloy too, because thanks to him they can now get their bottle of ripple 7 days a week!)

Anonymous said...

This would be a good location for a Walmart!

Anonymous said...

When you had a chance to have a reputable company with a great record of accomplishments come to NB, you fought them of led by Don DeFronzo, his son Dave and Sue Holt. DeFronzo who spends zero time in NB said that the density of the area would be affected in a negative way. You out-shouted the people from the area that wanted Community Builders and dominated the hearings with your negativity.

Aren't you ecstatic with the results? Community Builders would have razed the useless part of the property and built a new structure. Now you have nothing except a run down, ugly hazardous waste laden sight that the city must continue to clean at taxpayers expense.

Anonymous said...

I think that the picture of junkies shooting up heroin in neighborhood alleys would be an orgasmic image for most Democrats!

Anonymous said...

The Bristol CT Taxpayers Association eagerly endorses the idea of finding out whether outsourcing a lot of local government's work would save money. Republican council member Derek Czenczelewski, who raised the idea initially, stresses that the city is just collecting information — if the price quotes show that outsourcing is a financial loss, the GOP won't pursue it, he said.

Municipal unions in the Bristol area are predictably infuriated, saying the Republicans are adopting the most radical and divisive tactics of the Tea Party.

Many Bristol City Democrats complain that the Republicans are needlessly attacking the city's workforce and pandering to a small group of strident, anti-tax extremists for political gain. Republicans shoot back that the Democrats are trying to buy support from their traditional allies in the Democrat labor vote.

Anonymous said...

In this day and time no builder can afford to purchase the property. No one realizes how much money it will take to tear down Aquinas. Federal funding was available to Community Builders to assist in this cost. It will sit empty for a long time.

Anonymous said...

aren't the traditional allies of Democrats all the takers, the ones who never worked a day in their lives and not only don't pay any taxes, but bleed our state and our cities by expecting everything in life to be provided them totally free?

Anonymous said...

Our society is bitterly divided between the Democrats who are riding for free in the back of the wagon and the Republicans who are working hard pulling the wagon.

Anonymous said...

A wagon load of Democrats is the biggest load of dead wood I have ever heard of!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

A wagon load of Democrats is the biggest load of dead wood I have ever heard of!

ewwwwww, the smell that image brings to mind!

Anonymous said...

sounds like a sleazy bunch for sure!

Anonymous said...

I am somewhat confused. Is it that all Democrats are communists or all communists are Democrats?

Anonymous said...

My favorite Bible Verse

Ecclesiastes 10:2 - The heart of the wise leans to the right, the heart of the fool to the left.

The bible tells us that New Britain is clearly overrun with fools!

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