Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New Britain Councilman Wants Schools Audited - Courant.com



Anonymous said...

Finally a good idea. Sunlight was much needed on their budget. Lou Salvio called for this for years. Now that Lou is no longer on the council holding down the fort Jamie and Pabon won't know they're suppose to vote yes on this one!

Anonymous said...

It won't much matter once the state steps in and takes it all over!

Anonymous said...

Oh Please more bullshit. O'Brien got the city $0 (zero) at the state level as our state rep. Yet year in and year out proclaimed he was fighting for more education funding.

Anonymous said...

LArry calling for an audit what a novel idea??? This guy is an idiot and now doesn't have Stewart to bash monthly so now he wants a whack at Saavedra? Auditing the schools books is done annually just like the city's. Why not call for a forensic audit if you think something is fishy Larry?
Just another bull statement to get his name in the paoper Loser!

Anonymous said...

While they're at it audit the Mayor's Office budget $180,000 increase while proposing 130 lay offs? Is Mayor Sherwood double dipping working for Chris Murphy also?

Anonymous said...

Larry's daughter is married to Defronzo.

Lou Salvio said...

Mr. Anonymous said, "Sunlight was much needed on their budget. Lou Salvio called for this for years."

Lou Salvio never called for this kind of audit because he knows that the city has an auditor, an auditor who audits all departments.

What Lou Salvio called for many times is for the BOE to adhere to the charter and submit a budget the same way other departments do on the same forms, etc.

The Board of Finance also interviewed all major departments re their budget requests. If Alderman's not happy with the BOE' record keeping or budgeting, the call for an independent audit of the BOE's budget was 2 months ago. Doing it now is just a cheap, grandstanding move; typical Democrat move at budget time. Don't try to make yourself look like a hero Larry, it's impossible.

Anonymous said...

Soon, none of this will matter. The Lib Dems are about to legislate same day voter registration, (no I.D required), the sole purpose of which is to steal elections. This will be the final nail in the coffin of the CT. Republican Party, effectively ending the two party system in our state.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Soon, none of this will matter. The Lib Dems are about to legislate same day voter registration, (no I.D required), the sole purpose of which is to steal elections. This will be the final nail in the coffin of the CT. Republican Party, effectively ending the two party system in our state.

May 2, 2012 1:01 PM

This statement is correct but, what will these "voters" have to show to register?

Anonymous said...

At the CPOA meeting 04/29/12, Mayor Pro Tem Michael Trueworthy was asked one of the key questions of what the $30 million Structural Budget Deficit is- and where does it come from in the City's budget?

Trueworthy in his answer stated that the City's deficit is due, in part, to a self insurance fund that was underfunded and City's contractual obligations with the union's membership.

NOTE: Mayor O'Brien's proposed budget calls for up to 130 layoffs of city workers, a massive consolidation of City departments and no tax increase, as the City faces one of its most trying economic periods in its history.

Several Union Leaders have called for a "forensic audit" of the City's books going back some three years.

Anonymous said...

" STRUCTURAL BUDGET DEFICIT " is a virus - an imbalance generated by a budget gap between revenue ($) and spending ($) fostered by some elected & appointed - liberal & conservative - public servants.

When a City has a looming budget crisis with deep imbalance between revenue & spending - the key to controlling Deficit is a two step process...

1.- Control City's Spending.

2.- Raise Taxes & User Fees.

Anonymous said...

Remember, the word conservative means less government, less spending, lower tax rates, etc. We've had nothing but government expansion, more spending and higher taxes for decades and decades by Democrats and Republicans alike, with a few notable exceptions.

And, now with the cost of every thing rising with energy, food, postage stamps, education, taxes, etc., the purchasing power of the dollar keeps going down and down.

Mike W said...

At the CPOA Meeting, State Rep Bobby Sanchez publicly stated he was speaking to Gov Malloy about placing 3 NB schools into a state "network", which would mean management of them (w/ new staff) by state along w/ additional funding of $1.5-2m per school.

Anonymous said...

I was at the CPOA meeting and Mike just double talked with no real answer to the questions.And yes Rep Sanchez did say he spoke to the Gov, but thats it. He did say he feels the state should take on the cost of education, however not how seeing that state tax dollars still come from us. And didnt OBrien profess to be an advacate for Education yet did ZERO for us, and brought back ZERO $$$ for us ? Why yes he did, its all just talk folks.

Anonymous said...

Why Gov. Malloy Education Plan is Collapsing?

The Governor's one really brave initiative, a proposal for the state Education Department to take control of 25 of Connecticut’s worst-performing schools, has foundered in the legislature upon opposition from teacher unions, which cannot abide the possibility that improving education for the most disadvantaged children might supersede the privileges of teacher's union members.

In State of Connecticut, government employees must always come first before New Britain disadvantaged children. And didn't O'Brien profess to be an advacate for Education- yet did ZERO for us, and brought back ZERO dollars for us ? Why yes he did, its all just plain talk- talk-talk- folks.

Anonymous said...

At the CPOA meeting, we heard from State Rep. Bobby Sanchez that he spoke to Gov Malloy about placing 3 NB schools into a state network. No comments from Sanchez that he supported Malloy's Education Plan in legislature against teacher's unions opposition.

Manchester Journal Inquirer: The governor’s current budget, touted as restoring solvency in the state, was reported to be running a deficit of nearly $300 million dollars, so it's the right time for new contract for state police supervisors with pay raises of as much as 56 percent increase- without any comments from the governor or legislature - because that’s what state government’s sneaky labor policy allows.


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