Sunday, May 6, 2012

Obama: “We’ve Begun to See What Change Looks Like”—America: “No Thanks, Barack!”


Anonymous said...

Yes, a communist dictatorship!

Anonymous said...

Since Obama became President in January 2009, 14 million additional Americans received food stamps as of May 2011, up 43% increase over the period. This includes nearly 15% of the total U.S. Population.

Now 46 million residents collect food stamps, up from 31 million 3 years ago. Heritage Foundation reports food stamp spending has doubled since 2008, the year of Obama’s election.

Anonymous said...

Conservative media critics of Fox News were subsequently cheered by the channel’s hiring of Deneen Borelli, a black conservative, as a Fox News Contributor.

She wrote the excellent book, Blacklash: How Obama and the Left Are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation, and was recently interviewed by Roger Aronoff of AIM.

Anonymous said...

It should be no surprise that blacks are fairing worse than anyone under hope and change. Under Obama's brand of socialism, blacks have the highest unemployment rate in every age group, with the blacks aged 18-25 group being over 50%!

How's that hope and change working for you?

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