Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Teacher Evaluation Planning Belongs In The Open -


Anonymous said...

Frank: You were at the DTC meeting where Rep. Sanchez claimed that some five schools in New Britain needs to be taken over by the state and that our New Supt. of New Britain Schools, Mr. Cooper, is against our state intervening into our school system.

Can something be done to block this liberal take over of our new Britain schools?

Anonymous said...

I would think that the people would want to elect someone who represents the future of our schools and not someone pushing a radical liberal agenda for state intervention. Sounds like Dr. Cooper is the only one in this equation that has the future of the schools as his priority.

Anonymous said...

Public education will continue on its downward spiral until the unions and the federal government are forced out by the public.

Anonymous said...

Democrats will never tolerate any transparency in the school system as it my very well interfere with their efforts to brainwash and indoctrinate the students with their communist propaganda.

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