Sunday, June 17, 2012

Journal Inquirer > Chris Powell > That's what Malloy gets for trying to be governor


Anonymous said...

Danny Boy might be calling himself governor but he is acting much more like a communist dictator one would expect to find in an oppressive third world country and he has turned our economy into a massive failure like you might expect to find under a communist regime like Cuba or Venezuela.

Anonymous said...

Governor Malloy and the CT Democratic dominated General Assembly, dependent upon unions for votes and political grunt work; both have steadfastly avoided other more practical, efficient and certain means of cost cutting $$$$ in State Government.

We suspect that the mere mention of the phrase “privatization” of some CT State Services (State Troopers) is likely to have on union subservient Democrats the same effect as water had in that memorable scene in the movie the “Wizard of Oz” in which an accidentally dousing of water caused the Wicked Witch of the East to shrivel into a cloud of insubstantial smoke and melt away.

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