Thursday, June 28, 2012



Fair Rent Commission as Proposed by Alderman Emmanuel Shanchez:

Alderman Carlos Carlozzi expressed his concern with this resolution that if a tenant damages the apartment walls or railings etc. when he was interrupted by Alderman Michael Trueworthy stating that isn't the original intent of this resolution without his explaining the intent to him.

The intent is as follows: " In the commission's consideration of fair rents , no fines, penalties or city fees for violations of city ordinances or state or federal laws may be included in fair rent amounts or the cost of complying with anti blight or code enforcement from the city".

The common Council sent this proposal to the planning and zoning sub-committee of the council.



Anonymous said...

Just one more reason for landlords to simply walk away from their properties.

If Mayor Sherwood is not careful, he might just transform New Britain into a deserted blighted city similar to Detroit in just 2 years of his administration! Detroit has been bulldozing entire neighborhoods that have been abandoned, so Sherwood better get those bulldozers warming up if he wants to catch up to his fellow Democrats in that failed city.

Anonymous said...

Carlo is right again. Much like when Carlo was the deciding on the biggest council vote in years by voting with the republics and stewart in 2009 to stop more money from going to our schools.

This is a major vote. It's great to see that once again, when it counts most, that carlo will be siding with real people and not whiny tenants.

Anonymous said...

The intent is as follows: " In the commission's consideration of fair rents , no fines or penalties for violations of city ordinances or state or federal laws may be included in fair rent amounts or the cost of complying with anti blight or code enforcement from the city".

Frank: Who will decide what is, "Fair Rent"? Why can't a landlord simply say, " ... the upkeep costs on this property have escalated so I have no alternative but to raise rents" ?
Must Fair Rent Commissioners have real estate sales or brokers licenses to be members?
Is this just another bonehead idea that O'Brien allowed Sherwood to concoct?

What a mess!

Anonymous said...

Frank; Alderman Carlozzi was absolutely correct when he claimed that the Fair Rent Resolution was all one sided.

Anonymous said...

It is about time those evil rich landlords were stopped from making money off the poor. They will now be forced to slash the rents and give some of their wealth back to the people!

Anonymous said...

Stop everybody. You got who you elected.

Anonymous said...

If you have a 3 family house, you put out 3 times the garbage I do at my single family home, so therefore Mayor Sherwood is right that you should pay 3 times the rate to have your garbage picked up.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't this Trueworthy's master plan to punish the landlords for having the nerve to make money off the poor?

Anonymous said...

Since most of the Democrats on the council don't own any property, and many of them live free off of some form of government program or another, do you really expect them to even understand?

Anonymous said...

This is why you need to support the Republican candidates by donating and voting.

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