Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Meeting was held last Thursday with many proposals suggested by the NRZ membership.

Many of the suggestion made by the membership for the property ranged from a park, senior day care center, trying to get a private developer interested in making a business type building with the property, a youth center, senior housing, one member stated no to a homeless shelter, and another stated this is not a neighborhood for children because of the heavy density of the area.

Mayor O'Brien recommended that a small committee be selected with 5-6 members that more would be unwieldy. He continued by saying that he would very happy to sit down with the committee to evaluate what the full memberships wishes are and city hall will do anything to help. I want this issue resolved as soon as possible.

I trust that the naysayers will not prevail!



Anonymous said...

I would guess that one of their suggestions wasn't for the city to start charging huge fees for garbage pick-up to homeowners who rent out a room in their house because they are already having trouble paying their bills?

Talk about kicking people when they are down, but that seems to be the main theme of the Sherwood administration--especially since he is known to be so vindictive and I would say even outright mean towards anyone who doesn't share his idea of a socialist totalitarian utopia.

Anonymous said...

I would guess that one of their suggestions wasn't for the city to start charging huge fees for garbage pick-up to homeowners who rent out a room in their house because they are already having trouble paying their bills?

Talk about kicking people when they are down, but that seems to be the main theme of the Sherwood administration--especially since he is known to be so vindictive and I would say even outright mean towards anyone who doesn't share his idea of a socialist totalitarian utopia.

Anonymous said...

I heard the Sherwood administration wants to turn this building into a homeless shelter. You've got to be kidding!

Anonymous said...

What a flucking joke this guy is Frank! He can't make a decision so he asks the residentrs to help him???? Putting anything on that site that does not generate tax dollars is a waste! Hazardous conditions exist in that building and the costs to demolish the structure just to get the site buildable is in the range of $500k! Watch who he brings out of the closet to develop this site??? Bet it is one of his closet supporters with ties to a local lobbyist???Just waiting for the nonsense to begin.

Anonymous said...

John Said: Nothing will happen to this property since all the naysayers will prevail.

Anonymous said...

You mean homeless shelters don't generate tax revenue?

Who pays for the mess all the bums make as they hang around the neighborhood drinking their hooch and shooting up while they wait for the shelter to reopen for the next night's sleep?

Anonymous said...

Homeless shelters kick all their charges out in the morning because they are all supposed to be out looking for work, then they can come back to the shelter usually about 6 or 7PM, so what do you think they are all doing during the daytime? How many do you think are out looking for jobs?

Anonymous said...

I know the perfect location for the states largest homeless shelter.
Instead of putting it in this neighborhood where no one wants it.

Let's put it on Commonwealth Avenue!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone understand how homeless shelters operate? They throw all their "residents" out right after breakfast because they are supposed to be out looking for work. The residents are not allowed back inside the building until dinner time, so they are mostly out roaming the neighborhood all day because "work" to most of these people is a vile 4 letter word. Instead of looking for work, most of them are roaming the streets looking for something to keep them busy until their next free meal and free place to sleep. If this planned facility is as big as I have heard it is going to be, then you may have 100 to 200 of these degenerates roaming your streets all day long looking for something to keep them busy. For most of them that may include pan handling, stealing, robbing, drinking, doing drugs, having sex in doorways or alleyways, or whatever other depraved activity you can think of, all being brought to your neighborhood with your hard earned tax dollars!

Anonymous said...

I like the Herald box in front of the boarded up building. Maybe they are planning ahead for all the customers they will have once the homeless shelter opens?

Phoenix said...

If the buildings were torn down, this would be a great spot for a park or better yet a community garden.

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