Sunday, June 17, 2012

State police brass caught off guard by dispatch backlash - The Middletown Press (


Anonymous said...

Maybe it is time that almost 100 towns stopped receiving totally free police services provided by the state. If you choose to not have your own police, and you don't even pay for a resident state trooper, you get the services of the state police for your entire town totally free of charge.

Once again Massachusetts has it right over Connecticut. In Massachusetts, each and every town is mandated by state law to have its own municipal police force, even if it is a force of one, but the point is that they must have a municipal police department that they pay for.

The system we have here in Connecticut results in residents of cities like New Britain paying for the police in these rural towns because we pay dearly in our local taxes to provide for our own police and then we pay again through our ever growing state taxes to provide the police services in all those towns that refuse to provide their own police because they get it all totally free.

Anonymous said...

you get what you pay for!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a plan devised by Democrats: If your town doesn't want to pay for it themselves, the state gives it to them free.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like what is really needed is a county sheriff system so that each town doesn't have to foot the bill for it on their own and that way the state police can do what they are intended to do, patrol those highways like the highway patrol they are.

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