Friday, June 15, 2012

U.S. will stop deporting some illegal immigrants who came here as children - The Washington Post

So They can vote for OBAMA      And allowing illegals to same-day voting without ID's.


Anonymous said...

The legal unemployment numbers need to go up immediately based on the new unemployed.

Anonymous said...

8 million illegal aliens will now be taking away the jobs of 8 million American citizens. As you are getting your pink slip to make a job for an illegal alien who is committing a crime just by being here, remember you can thank a Democrat for taking your job and giving it to someone who doesn't even belong here!

Anonymous said...

In our Ct. city, our taxes are going up because of the school budget. Homes of hard working, taxpaying, legal citizens are in foreclosure. Our tax dollars are being used to educate illegal children who flood our schools. The parents are picked up and taken to the school to learn English, but in public they do not speak it.

Why are we going broke? Since illegals are not being tracked, no one actually knows how many more are here than are reported. How many thousands, hundreds of thousands will make the dash to the USA and then claim they lived here for years in the shadows? The tsunami in Japan was a mere splash compared to what is going to happen in our country now.

Anonymous said...

and all of them will become Democrats so they can keep their free ride going.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Obama getting desperate - pulling out the Amnesty card. Yet it will backfire as nothing pisses off Americans like a politician attempting to destroy our culture and way of life. This is America - not Mexico north. Legal immigration is fine. Backdoor immigration MUST be stopped.

Anonymous said...

...and nothing pisses the legal immigrants who waiting in line for years and years more than to be told that they had to wait only because their skin isn't dark enough to have been simply been granted a pass!

It would appear that Obama is practicing racism against all those white Europeans and Asians who must wait for many years for a visa to come here.

Anonymous said...

If you think you have seen unemployment, wait until these millions of illegal aliens now start getting preference over American citizens for all the jobs.

Get ready to starve at the hands of Democrats!

Anonymous said...

Maybe out Dictator in Chief is so soft on illegal immigrants because if the allegations about his birth certificate being forged are true, that would make him the first illegal alien to be elected President of the US.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget about Obama's aunt who has been defying several deportation orders and continues to live free in a Boston housing project at taxpayer expense even though the federal court has ordered her deported several times, but we pay and pay and pay for someone who simply doesn't belong here.

Anonymous said...

Get ready for these numbers to skyrocket as the Democrats blatantly ignore the law and start allowing millions of illegal aliens to take jobs away from American citizens!



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