Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Saving the Republic



Anonymous said...

Saving The Republic !

The original thirteen States feared that the federal government might grow too powerful, but nullification could limit that power. The nation is now composed of fifty independent sovereign republics, but in the case of Obamacare, twenty-seven States opposed it before the Supreme Court. Short of its repeal, there one recourse for these 50 - United States.

The task of nullification - refusing to enforce it.

Anonymous said...

Sherwood and his little lackey O'Brien would top my list of idiots running things!

Anonymous said...

City Hall and our state house sure are full of idiots these days.

Anonymous said...

Between the dumbbells on the council and the moronic idiots in the mayor's office, there isn't enough brain power in city hall to light a 3 watt light bulb!

Anonymous said...

Retired Lt. General William G. "Jerry" Boykin is troubled by Obama’s promise of establishing a new federal power the “Civilian National Security Force.”

Lt General "Jerry" Boykin says the formation of such a force is included in the thousands of pages of the Obamacare Health Law (aka) “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.”

"Jerry" Boykin says such a Civilian National Security Police Force would be at President Obama’s disposal and is similar to National Security Forces socialist tyrants used to complete and control their socialist revolutions with "share the wealth" and "tax the rich' and "hope and change" messages.

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