Thursday, July 5, 2012

Unions Battling To Represent 6,000 State Workers Results In Split Labor Decision -



Anonymous said...

...and as we know from Wisconsin and Indiana, if these people were not forced against their will to belong to a union, most of them would opt to be free of the union's oppression.

Anonymous said...

All the more reason to support the Right To Work Foundation. Nobody can be free in America as long as you can be forced like a prisoner in a Nazi prison camp to pay dues to a union that you would never freely join or support.

Anonymous said...

Boycott any business that employs union thugs. Every time you spend your money at a business whose employees are unionized, you are helping to support an anti-American agenda. The best thing that could happen for America is that every time a business goes union, it should soon after go bankrupt for lack of any customers. Then we could return freedom to America.

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