New radio ad from McMahon campaign compares Murphy to famous fictional Hollywood slacker; points out Murphy’s “many, many days off”
NORTH HAVEN, CT – Linda McMahon’s campaign today released a new radio ad highlighting Congressman Chris Murphy’s stunning record of truancy at congressional hearings during the 110th Congress, including the financial crisis of 2008, when he was absent nearly 80% of the time.“Chris Murphy is a modern-day Ferris Bueller, assuming he can just skate by doing the minimum amount of work while expecting the taxpayers to foot his $170,000-a-year salary,” said Corry Bliss, McMahon’s campaign manager. “If there were a Ferris Bueller Award for the biggest slacker in Congress, Chris Murphy would win it hands down.”
In a recent independent analysis conducted by the Hartford Courant, the paper concluded this about the McMahon campaign’s description of Congressman Murphy’s attendance record: “the main factual assertion here is on target. As such, we rate this ad Generally Accurate.”
The McMahon campaign is not the only organization comparing Murphy to Ferris Bueller. Congressman Murphy’s attendance record is so bad that a recent Greenwich Time headlineblared, “Murphy AWOL for three-fourths of hearings” and led the story about Murphy by stating, “Ferris Bueller would be proud.”
“Connecticut voters have nothing to be proud of when it comes to Chris Murphy’s attendance record in Congress,” Bliss said. “Congressman Murphy should grow up and start acting like the public servant he is getting paid by the taxpayers to be, rather than the Ferris Bueller wannabe he has become.”
The more Murphy stays away, the less damage he can do with his cronies like Larson Rosa Greenburg, and Pelosi getting together to jam one socialist program after another down our throats.
I'll bet New Britain socialists are coming unglued at the news that McMahon is several points ahead of this radical in the polls.
I guess the rest of the 5th District will have to save New Britain from itself!
I can't wait for the debates when I am sure Linda will mop the floor with this bozo.
Latest Q poll:
McMahon 49%
Murphy 46%
I guess the majority of Connecticut residents resent a person who takes $170,000 in salary and then basically never even bothers to go to work!
Murphy is well versed in saying the things liberals, moderates and conservatives want to hear.
Saying is one thing; the problem is his doing. His voting record is 100% Pelosi. His attendance record at committee meetings is abysmal. But don't worry Murphy knows everything.
Work hard and turn blue Connecticut red. Maybe the 2nd, 4th and 5th district is now in play.
The Republicans should by a 2 hour block on every network one week before the election and play the 2016 Obama movie showing what a radical communist he really is.
Once seeing this movie, anyone who actually cares about this country would avoid this radical extremist any anyone affiliated with his party like the plague.
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